ORDERED. BUT was charged at a higher exchange rate.
Print screen available at update section under LJ cut.
Only AUD$29.99 for selected lace, satin and printed NuBras!
Join only if you are comfy with:
1. All updates on spree page, email updates only when item reaches me in SG.
2. First time spreeing from this site.
3. Packing only on weekends when item reach.
frozen comments = payment received
spreee fbs:
DATESTATUS 12/06/2009
Friday- Orders placed.
- Was charged at AUD1.00 = SGD1.22
- Printscreen
here- Total NuBras ordered = 8pcs
- Shipping = AUD33.86 = SGD$41.31
- Works out to about SGD$5.17 per NuBra.16/06/2009
Tuesday- Orders shipped24/06/2009
Wednesday- Orders received.
- I've not checked if the items are correct, will try to do so tonight.27/06/2009
Saturday- Mass emailed!
- Pls lemme know if u did not receive my email.
Terms & Conditions
◊ No Payment = No Orders
◊ Post after payments made to keep thread neat.
◊ All transfers to be made in LJnick
◊ All updates prior to item arrival are done on spree page itself. So pls bookmark spree page.
◊ Mass email will only be done when items arrived in SG, pls do not bug me for updates when there are none.
◊ I will not be responsible when seller/merchant send the wrong item/colour.
◊ I will not be responsible when items are missing/defective or whatnots during shipping. But when it happens, I'll do my part in laising to solve the problem
◊ Orders are placed based on URL given(if there is one), so please check and re check its correct.
◊ Always add item to cart or check if the item is instock before placing orders.
◊ Please repost if you want to add/change/delete items.
◊ I reserve the right to collect any shortfalls when my CC statement arrives.
◊ I follow strictly the exchange rate of this community and will not refund excess.
◊ I reserve the right to reject orders/close the spree, with valid reasons of course.
◊ Do not rush me for refunds as refunds are cumbersome.
◊ Do not exceed cap, pls count before posting. Else.. wait ;p
◊ I do not profit from all these work, just wanna save on shipping costs to satisfy my shopping urges. So please be nice to me and I'll be nice to you.
BY JOINING THIS SPREE, You are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to abide by my T&Cs listed above. If you are uncomfortable with any T&Cs stated above, PLS DO NOT JOIN.
1} Website we're ordering from
http://nubra.com.au/index.php 2} Cap
3} Email address
4} Payment
DBS/POSB iBanking to: POSB Savings 020-18157-5
For ATM transfer, please post 1st and pay 1 hour within posting
NO interbank
There will be 2 payments.
1st payment: Total Item price + Handling($0.50)
2nd payment: Shipping + Local Postage
5} Distribution
Normal/Registered Mail
Self Collect at my place in Tampines/Chin Swee Rd
6} Exchange Rate
AUD$1 = SGD$1.205
7} Shipping Details
Direct shipping from NuBra.au
Shipping divided by number of Nubras
I've tried a mock checkout , shipping should be ard AUD$4-5 per NuBra.
8} Format of orders
LJ nick/Name:
Email address:
Acct type/Acct no:
Item #1: [Type of NuBra, e.g orginal, feather-lite,padded, seamless, seamless u, etc, etc]
Cup Size:
Price in AUD:
Alt if OOS:
Total amount in AUD:
Total amount in SGD: [AUD x 1.205] + $0.50 (pls round UP 2 decimal point. e.g 21.274 = 21.28)
Amount Paid:
Transaction Ref:
** Comments other then Orders will be deleted to keep thread neat.
** Comments without payment will be deleted.
**For faster response time, you can also add my email address to msn. I'll be online once a while to check.