Accessories Spree #2 - CLOSED

Jun 13, 2008 00:06

To mods: Sorry for all the blunders. Thanks for patience.=)

More accessories =)


Feedback [+47/ 0 / 0]

Join only if u feel comfortable.

I will check all payments tonight. Internet was slow yesterday, and i'm rushing out now.

Terms & Condition:

ê Not liable for any mistakes made by Supplier. 
ê Not responsible for any lost mail. 
ê Not responsible for any defects in the items. Any damages will be split by all.
ê If supplier runs away (choy..choy..), all losses will be shared.
ê I have the right to reject some people orders, with whom i'm not comfortable with.
ê In the event of oos item, i will consider both IB trasaction & time to allocate who to get the item. 
ê Please be nice to me. & have lots of patience.
ê Pls post everything neatly. If amendment is needed, pls delete and re-post.
ê Updates in here, so bookmark this page.

- Supplier from China, but mention that items were imports from korea.
- Prices were Inclusive of International shipping (quite expensive for the shipping) & TT charges.
- Spree will take ard 3 weeks.
- Purchase from supplier before. Item looked similar, quality is ok, some are gd. 
But if compare to some website, it might not be that gd..but u are paying less than half the price for some of the items.

Below are some that i have spree-ed before, some didn't. 
If u are interested in other accessories from accessories spree #1, keep me informed first.
I need to check with supplier whether she still have stocks for the item.

#1: Dog with crystal - $4.90
Color: Pink / Clear
Length: 2cm

#2 : Mask - $5.10
Length: 5cm

#3: Rectangle loop - $5.50
Length: 2cm

#4: Square stud - $5.10
Length: 1cm

#5: "8" design- $5.80
Length: 3cm

#6: Snowflakes - $5.80
ring is ard 1cm, snowflake ard 3.5cm

#7: Snowflake Necklace - $10
I couldn't find the picture for this item, so i took it myself using my friend item. 
**Pardon my photography skill...**
Necklace is at 80cm, pendant is 3cm

#8: Round diamantes - $5.80
(supplier reduce price for this)
Color: Gold / Silver  (silver is prettier)
Length: 2cm

#9: Pearl cherries - $3.50
(supplier reduce price for this)
Length: 1cm

#10: Red Cherries - $4.60
(supplier reduce price for this)
Length: 6cm (item darker than picture)

#11: Bear - $5.40
Color: Silver / Gold
Length: 2cm

#12: Ribbon & beads  - $5.80
Silver / Gold ribbon
Length: 6cm


#13: Crown earring - $3.60 
(supplier reduce price for this)
Length: 1cm

#14: Kitty Earring - $6.20
Length: 3.8cm, kitty ard 3cm, silver plated
(Earring is rather big. )

#15: Kitty Necklace - $8
Length: 41cm

#16: 4 leaves Earring - $6
Same size as the one the model is wearing.

#17: 4 leaves necklace - $9.50
Same size as the one the model is wearing.

#18: Dior 4 leaves bracelet - $6.30

#19: Zebra Necklace - $9
Length: zebra - 6cm, Neckalce - 80cm

#20: Chandlelier - $8
Color: Silver / Gold plated
Length: Necklace  - 89cm, pendant - 6.5cm

#21: Rose Earring - $5.60
(supplier reduce price for this)
Length: 4cm 
(the white part inside the flower is greyish, everything else look similar.)

#22: Rose necklace - $14.50
Color: Gold rose / Silver Rose but with white pearl necklace only.
Necklace length: 33cm, stretchable.
(the white part inside the flower is greyish, everything else look similar.)

#23: Butterfly & Pearl Necklace - $10
Color: White / Black
Length: 94cm

#24: Snowflakes Design 2 - $8.50
Note: There is another snowflake design above,there are some differences in the design & size.
ring is 2cm, snowflake is ard 3cm.

#25: Effiel Tower - $5.90

#26: Vivienne Westwood Necklace - $10
Pendant: 1.5cm, Necklace Length: 39cm

#27: Vienne Westwood Earring- $7.90
Length: 3.9cm

#28: Multiple Chain - $6.90
Length: 6cm, acrylic crystal

#29: Elephant - $5.30
Length: 2cm

#30: Cross - $5
Length: 5.4 * 1cm

#31: A - $5
Length: 1cm

#32: Pearl Loop - $4.60
Length: 4cm

#33: Lollipop - $6.10
Length:3cm,  with silver loop instead of white loop.

#34: Sun - $5.30
Length: 1cm

#35: Bear stud - $5.50
Length: 1cm

#36: Square - $6.30
Length: 1cm

#37: Heart & Ribbon - $6.30 OOS
Color: Silver / Gold
Length: 6cm

#38: 2 way earring - $5.80
Length: 4cm

#39: Butterfly Pearl - $4

#40: Butterfly - $5.30
Length: 1cm

#41: Cherry - $4
Length: 1cm

#42: Apple - $4
Length: 2cm

#43: Circle - $5.90
Length: 1.6cm

#44: Heart - $6.60
Length: 1cm

#45: Leaf - $4.20
Length: 5cm, silver plated

#46: Star - $3.50
Length: 1.2cm

#47: Black Button - $3.90
Length: 1.8cm

#48: Bear in a circle - $4.70
Length: 4.5cm

#49: Square Box - $6
Length: 3.5cm

#50: Ribbon - $4.10
Length: 4cm

#51: Heart Stud - $4.70
Length: 0.8cm

#52: Couple - $3.40
Length: 2cm

#53: 4 crystals - $8.40
Length: 5cm

#54: D & Crown earing - $6.60
Length: 4cm

#55: D & Crown Necklace - $10.20
Length: 82cm

#56: Mouse Earring - $5.80
Length: 4cm

#57: Mouse Necklace - $9.80
Length: 72cm

#58: Ribbon with Pearl set -  $14
Necklace Length: 40cm, Earring: 1.5cm

#59: Crystal earring - $6.50
Length: 2cm

#60: Crystal Necklace - $8.50
Length: 38cm

#61: Cross & Angel necklace - $9.40
Length: short necklace - 54cm, long necklace: 78cm, can't separate.

#62: Lock & leaf necklace - $12
Length: short-81cm, Long-92cm, gold plated, can't separate.

#63: Triple Stars - $9
Length: 40cm, silver-plated base

#64: Triple Heart Necklace - $7.50
Length: 40cm

#65: Vivienne Westwood Pearl Necklace - $10
Length: 45cm, pearl is yellowish in color.

#66: Hanger & Clothes necklace - $8

#67: Ballet Necklace - $9.20
Length: long necklace - 120cm, short necklace: 56cm

#68: Rocking horse - $7.60
Length: 75 - 80cm

#69: Dog with bone - $3.70
(supplier reduce price for this.)
Length: 1cm

Some things to note:

- All items were pre-order, I don't have stocks on hand.
- No more other pictures / measurement.
- Items includsive of shipping to Singapore & TT charges  
- Local postage not included.
- Spree will take ard 3-4 weeks, depending on the shipment.
- Updates will be in here.
- Suplier is from oversea, not local.

Closing when:

min. 70 orders
17 June 11pm, all payments in by then.

My e-mail:
(pls don't bomb me, i will reply if i'm online.)

Payment details

All payment to POSBSavings a/c 119-55890-5 (Only POSB / DBS).
Please use LJ nick to avoid confusion.
Internet Banking/ATM is allowed. ATM transferred, pls do so asap.
Would prefer POSB / DBS transfer.


Through normal / registered mail only.
(i'm not responsible for lost mail, if u opt for normal mail.)
No meet-up, as i really can't arrange for 1.
30c handling fee.

Postage: Based on Singpost.
Registered mail: additional  $2.24

Normal Postage (without necklace) :
1-5 items: $0.50
5-10 items: $0.80
More than 10 items: $1

Normal Postage (with necklace, it will be heavier):
1-5 item: $0.80
5-10 items: $1

Format for order

real name/ lj nick: **Important
email address: **important, as i might need to contact u directly.
account no. & type: POSB Savings 123-45678-9

item name:  
Colour: pink
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: Black

item name:  
alt. if OOS:

Total no. of items:
total in S$: (item 1 + item 2) + 0.30 + postage (see distribution):

Transaction reference no.:

- Would advise that you all choose an alt. as the supplier items might run oos rather fast sometime. 
-  Any items oos or excess in postage, will be refunded. Not to worry.

Updates HERE:

18 Jun

Was super busy today, thus still consolidating orders. 
Freeze comments = transfer received = order taken.

19 Jun

Orders sent to supplier today. Awaiting for supplier to inform me on the stocks available.

21 Jun

Supplier been busy lately, thus late response. 
Payment transfer to supplier.

Some item oos. Refunds will be done, after i have mailed out the items to u. 
So that i'm not being confused.

Below are the affected pple:

Name / Lj nickItems oosliyi/ holy116#50: Ribbon, refund $4.10Megha / Sakitsune#48: Bear in a circle, refund $4.70Candy Ng / candybon#52: Couple, refund $3.40Glenda/g_jsummer2006#25: Eiffel Tower
#50: Ribbon
#48: Bear in a circle, total refund $14.70Shu Fen / shu_fen#50: Ribbon, refund $4.10Jessica/yanling8#52: Couple, refund $3.40carolyn/starfiz#31: A , refund $5Katherine / katsterz#23: Butterfly & Pearl Necklace - white, refund $10meiyi/ikuyirie#52: Couple, refund $3.40Michelle Mok/xiaomich_91#51: Heart Stud, refund $4.70Melisa / dollyger#52: Couple, refund $3.40marilyn/espoireira#42: Apple, refund $4GRACE/TOXICCANDYFLOSS#50: Ribbon, refund $4.10Serena Neo / gogogio#25: Eiffel Tower
#50: Ribbon, refund $10Eunice/cottonpie#25: Eiffel Tower, refund $5.90Shannon/gogocheers#31: A , refund $5Ashley / Alpinnne#51: Heart Stud, refund $4.70Na/ jumpingjupiters#42: Apple x2, refund $7.10 
(0.90 owing previously from error in calculation)Karen Tan#25: Eiffel Tower, refund $5.90
All refunds will be done after i have mailed out the items.
Except for GRACE/TOXICCANDYFLOSS, as u only have 1 item. Refund will be done latest by mon.

E-mailed evylim, Candy Ng / candybon, siyimi / catherine & vivienne/ viviennelkl, as there were problems with item #43. All replied.

I have some refunds with supplier, due to a sudden problem with the products...and i already transfer the money to supplier.

if any of u still wish to get some other items from the above, pls keep me inform by mon.

24 Jun

Refund done for GRACE/TOXICCANDYFLOSS, amt: $4.90, ref no.: 1767382114
Supplier haven't received transfer yet.

26 Jun

Supplier received the transfer. 
Still packing all the items in process, mention that she will be sending the items soon. 
Keep u all informed after she shipped out.

In the meanwhile, 
Pls post ur address in here:

1 July

Sorry for the late updates. 
Supplier already sent out the items on sat. Will take ard 1 week to reach me. 
Keep u all informed after i receive the items.

3 July

Items arrived, and counted. Some Problems....

It seem like 1 package is missing, because quite a few items didn't arrived. 
This supplier is always quite careful, as she always count & label the package well...but i realise that the quantity & the labelling is different, this time. I asked her about it, & she already asked the courier side. 
She mention that the missing items could be due to custom checks...they didn't put back the items.

Supplier will send the items again, but send together in my next order. (i don't know if this is trick or truth).
So, i got to open another spree to get all the items. Those pple affected, will have to wait for another 2 -3 weeks.

I apologise for this, this is the first time, it has happened. Previously, all the qty will be there, the most is 1-2 spoilt, i can refund for it. But for this time, i can't as there are quite a few and i hope that u all can wait. Even my items & refunds are also trapped on her side. I seek ur understanding on this. Thank you.

Affected pple:

Name / lj nickItemsCandy Ng / candybon#58: Ribbon with Pearl setGlenda/g_jsummer2006#10: Red Cherriesmarilyn/espoireira#11: Bear - gold
#65: Vivienne Westwood Pearl Necklacegloria/g0ost#24: Snowflakes Design 2
#65: Vivienne Westwood Pearl Necklace
#68: Rocking horse - blackNa/ jumpingjupiters#9: Pearl cherriessummer / summer_non#11: Bear - goldchinx/axeclusive#9: Pearl cherriesKaren Tan#24: Snowflakes Design 2
If u want me to sent out the current items first, also can. Pls informed me asap either here, my e-mail or the address page.
Then when these items arrived, you will be required to top-up for the postage + handling fee again.

The rest of u, i will send out ur item asap. Give me time to pack,k. 
Most probably will sent out on sat. Will continue to update in here.

5 July

Already sent out the mails for these people:

DateName / Lj nickStatus5 Julpeiyi/ shocybuMailed, refund $0.30, ref no.: 1791239545  Man Hua/ suki_nekoMailed juliana / chupachubbsMailed  Pei Xuan/ calla_momentsMailed Michelle Mok/xiaomich_91Mailed, refund $4.70, ref no.: 1791270872 Daphne Tan / daphnetanMailed  Melisa / dollygerMailed, refund $3.70, ref no.: 1791274002 Peishan/Peishan85Mailed  uberlivinMailed, refund $0.30, ref no.: 1791276920 canny/ chillypadiMailed  Cheryl Tan/ CheryltslMailed  Felicia/ fel56Mailed Eunice/cottonpieMailed, refund $6.20, ref no.: 1791291404 Shannon/gogocheersMailed, refund $5, ref no.: 1791296275  Angela / gniyMailed, refund $0.30, ref no.: 1791301740  Hui Xin/automatic018Mailed, refund $0.30, ref no.: 1791309616  vivienne/ viviennelklMailed, refund $0.10, ref no.: 1791312227    7 Jul Janice / tstj Mailed  Michelle / bluecanopyMailed Mei Ting / tingzx88RR621597027SG, refund $0.30, ref no.: 1791219973  summer/summersea_1234Mailed liyi/ holy116Mailed, refund $4.10, ref no.: 1791228893 xiuyan/carrotfreakMailed evylimMailed baby/kopigerMailed Pei Shan / vivacaRR621597024SG Megha / SakitsuneRR621597029SG, refund $2.66, ref no.: 1791234753 Candy Ng / candybonMailed, still have excess of $6.10 adeline/ fornax1009Mailed Helen / cruzeroMailed Shu Fen / shu_fenMailed, refund $4.40, ref no.: 179124349 carolyn/starfizMailed, refund $5, ref no.: 1791246879  Amanda / duckishereMailed meiyi/ikuyirieMailed, refund $3.40, ref no.: 1791250553 lynn / himitsu_soraMailed Shirley/taz_zieMailed mei xian / twilight85Mailed, need to top-up 0.30, as the postage is 0.80 instead of 0.50.  siyimi / catherineMailed, refund $5.30, ref no.: 1791263686 Lee LynMailed Charlene Soh / lene84Mailed, refund $0.30, ref no.: 1791267009 bokq/ runwayaffairMailed marilyn/espoireira Mailed, still have excess of $0.50  Joanne/Xiaojojojo Mailed  Rachel/ gen_esther Mailed, refund 0.30 , ref no.: 1791280098  Joyce / takky_limMailed Po Zhu / zhuzhu123RR621597025SG, refund 0.30, ref no.: 1791284948  Serena Neo / gogogioRR621597031SG, refund $10, ref no.: 1791288595 Grace / go_yyMailed  Ashley / AlpinnneMailed, refund $4.70, ref no.: 1791315136 lorraine/ offancythingsRR621597030SG, need to top-up $2.24 Wu Shuhui/ earlynnRR621597026SG , need to top-up 0.30, as the postage is $3.04, instead o $2.74.. Ng Yi Siu JuniceMailed, refund 0.30, ref no.: 1791318838   8 JulJessica/yanling8Mailed, refund 3.70, ref no.: 1791536866  Katherine / katsterzMailed, refund 10.30, ref no.: 1791253799    9 JulLing Wei/sunny_loveyMailed, refund 0.30, ref no.: 1791774618 
Will sent out the rest on monday. Registered mail also, as i'm unable to reach the PO in time today.
Refunds will be done latest by tues.

7 Jul

Willbe home late,so refunds will be done by tues instead.

8 Jul

Mails already sent out on the 7th. All the names mention above are the ones who have already given me their address. Refunds will be done later today.

Still need address from the following people:
- Jessica/yanling8
- Ling Wei/sunny_lovey

People who are affected by the above case, I have already open a spree & orders sent. 
This will be the next process:

- Wait for supplier to informed me of the amt to pay her. (1 day)
- Transfer money to her, it will take ard 3 days for her to receive the amt. (3 days)
- Another 2 days for her to pack. (2 days)
- Shipping take ard 1 week. (7 days)
Total: 13 days, which is app. 2 weeks.

The spree was held here:
Fyi, i will update in here & there as well. Not to worry.
& also do note, i'm not in Singapore from 9 Jul - 16 Jul.


Refunds done!. 
All mails sent, except for 1 - Ling Wei/sunny_lovey

9 Jul

Mail sent out for Ling Wei/sunny_lovey. 
Those in the affected list, i have already transfer the amount to supplier, so now it wil take ard 3 days for her to receive.

Will update when i'm back.

17 Jul

I have replied to those who have e-mailed me. 
Supplier will be shipping the items these few days, there will be some delay, as she is busy recently. 
Will try to rush her.

22 Jul

Sorry for the late updates.
Supplier informed me yesterday that she have already shipped out the items on the 19 Jul. 
Will take ard a week for the items to reach me. Estimated delivery to me is ard 25th / 26th.

26 Jul

Items arrived, and the same thing happened again. =(
But i put u all on the piority. Items already packed and mailed out.

26 JulName / LJ nickStatus Candy Ng / candybonMailed, postage is $0.50, refund $5.30 
(6.10 - 0.5 - 0.30 = 5.30), ref no.: 1816933358  Glenda/g_jsummer2006Mailed, postage is $0.80, refund $14.70
(30.40 - 14.6 - 0.3 - 0.80 = 14.70), ref no.: 1816937359  marilyn/espoireiraMailed, postage is $0.80, will have to top-up 0.60
(0.3 + 0.80 - 0.5 = 0.60) gloria/g0ostMailed Na/ jumpingjupiters
summer / summer_nonRR621954018SG, refund 9.54
(49.88 - 36.80 - 0.3 - 3.24 = 9.54), ref no.: 1816943820  chinx/axeclusiveMailed Karen TanRR621954019SG, refund 5.40, ref no.: 1816947730 
I will do the refund on sunday night. 
Thanks for the patience.

28 Jul

Sorryfor the delay. 
Refunds done.
Spree completed.

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