Bangles Spree #1 - Completed

Sep 11, 2007 01:25

 Supplier Spree:  Bangles Spree #1

There are 20 types of bangles.
Need to order fast as supplier stocks running low.
Bangles were at low price...quick see.

_spreee feedback (0 / 0 / 0) Newie.

I never done any supplier spree before, so if there are any hippcups, do bear with me.
My friend wanted bangle from this here it is.

Width is refering to the thickness..Diameter refer to the inside measurement.

All prices does not include shipping, as i'm unsure of how much the shipping would cost, but definitely less than $1.
Need to order fast, as supplier have limited stocks. Some are running out fast.

Pls click on the pictures to enlarge.
All Prices in SGD.

Bangle #1 - $3.50
Width: 2.8cm
Diameter: 6.5cm
Available in 3 colour:  1) red 2) silver 3) gold

Bangle #2 - $3
Width: 2cm
Diameter: 6.5cm
Available in 2 colour: 1) Silver 2) gold

Bangle #3  - $2.80
Width: 2.2cm
Diameter: 6.2cm ~ 6.5cm
Available in 6 colour: 1) black 2) goldish-yellow 3) purple 4) silver 5) purple-pink 6) blue

Bangle #4 - $4
Width: 2.2cm
Diameter: 6.2cm ~ 6.5cm
Available color: 1) Black 2) purple-pink 3) silver 4) goldish-yellow 5)purple 6) red

Bangle #5 - $5.50
Width: 2.2cm - 3.3cm (from thin to thick)
Diameter: 6.7cm
Available color: 1) red 2) silver 3) purple 4) gold

Bangle #6 - $6
Width: 3cm - 4.5cm (from thin to thick)
Diameter: 6.7cm
Available color: 1) gold 2) silver 3) red 4) blue 5) purple 6) pink

Bangle #7 - $6.50
Width: 1.8cm - 2.2cm
Diamaeter: 7cm
Available only in 1 colour.

Bangle #8 - $4.50
Width: 2.2 - 3.2cm
Diamaeter: 6.5 - 6.7cm
Available colour: 1) black 2) yellow 3) pink 4) blue 5) red 6) white

Bangle #9 - $5
Width: 2.5cm - 3.8cm
Diameter: 6.7cm
Available color: 1) yellow 2) black 3) white 4) orange

Bangle #10 - $2.50
Width: 2.1cm
Diameter: 6.5 - 6.7cm
Available colours: 1) dark purple 2) orange 3) white 4)pink 5) green
6) light purple 7) yellow 8) blue 9) dark pink

Bangle #11 - $4
Width: 2cm
Diameter: 6.4cm
Available colour: 1) purple 2) green 3) yellow 4) x 5)blue 6) pink

Bangle #12 - $6.50
Width: 3cm
Diameter: 6.5cm
Available colour: pls go by the no. indicated, alot of colours with design on.
Design 1, 8, 12, 13, 15 oos already.

Bangle #13 - $4.50
Width: 3.3cm
Diameter: 6.3cm
Available colour: as per no. indication.
3, 12 oos

Bangle #14 - $8.50
Width: 1.1cm
Diameter: 6cm (have a opening) 
Available color: black wih gold, white with silver

Bangle #15 - $9
Width: $2.2cm
Diameter: 5.8*5cm (have a opening)
Available colour: white with gold only

Bangle #16 - $9
Width: 1.7 - 3cm
Diameter: 5.8*5cm
Available colour: black, pink
clear oos

Bangles #17 - $6
Width: 3.6cm
Diameter: - 
Available colour: brown, black

Bangles that goes in set.

Bangle #18 - $5
Width: -
Diameter: 6.2cm
Available colour: gold, silver

Bangles #19 - $6.50
Width: -
Diameter: 6.5cm
Available colour: gold, silver

Bangles #20 - $5
Width: -
Diameter: 6.7cm
Availble colour: 1) pink 2) gold 3)silver 4) x 5) black 6) red
White oos.

Terms and Condition:

- Measurement  & sizes are given by supplier, so should anything went wrong with the measurement, the most i could do is just to inform supplier, won't be able to ask for refund.
- Waiting time is around 2 - 3 weeks after i have sent out the orders to suppliers.
- Items are subjected to availability, if supplier run out of stock, don't come after me..
- pls check what you have posted.
- most pictures are already the most that i have.


1. Closing Spree when: 30 - 50 bangles

Please make all payment to POSBSavings a/c 119-55890-5 (Only POSB / DBS).
Please use LJ nick. Internet Banking/ATM is allowed. ATM transferred, pls do so asap (within a day)

3. Supplier from oversea, thus have shipping. 
The above prices does not include the shipping charges that the supplier is going to charge. will be charging 50c for shipping of all orders (no matter how many bangles  u are getting also 50c as inital payment)

Shipping units:
1 unit for all the plastic bangles.
1.5 units for set bangles and #14
2 units for the metal (#15, #16, #17)

4. Update -
all update will be done in here.

5. How you will distribute items
- by normal mail / registered post
Look at the part for non-standard mail.

6. Format for order

real name/ lj nick: **Important
email address: **important
account no. & type:

item #1
bangle:  #1
color: gold
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: silver
Price: #3.50

item #2: 
bangle: #20
color: red
quantity: 1
alt. if OOS: black
Price $5

total in S$: (1st item + 2nd item) + 0.5c

Mode of payment: ATM / IB
IB nick:
Transaction reference no.:

Some of this bangles, which i went to look around were like 2-3 times of the price that the supplier is offering...especially for those wave bangles...

For those who have not pay, pls do so asap, latest by tml 10pm.
I will consolidate orders tml.

Some problems with my consolidated list, thus i haven't sent to supplier. Will consolidate them asap and keep u all update.

Updates From Here....

14th Sept

Sorry to keep all of u waiting. I have already sent our order to the supplier.

For all the prices above, as per what i have told
axeclusive , moderator ( u can view below for details)
I have included the ezpay charges and round the amount to the nearest 50c or $1.
Initially, I tot that this would be a supplier spree, as i only allow bangles, but she mention that this should be a website spree rather the supplier one...
So to be more transparent,  I will do a re-calculation for everyone, and use the excess for shipping and other stuff. 
Give me abit of time to come up with the chart.

17th Sept

Wendy/ccaannddyy18 - #10 blue no more, change to pink.
The rest fo the item, she will keep for us.
Waiting for supplier to inform me of the shipping amount.

18 Sept

Taiwan got typhoon...I believe many of u heard of it. 
So items will be delay, as supplier currently is unable to get hold of some of the items.

22 Sept

alicia/ bl00dyally - #8 yellow, no more, change to blue.
Waiting for bangle #14 to arrive to her.
Waiting for her to inform me of the shipping amount.

26 Sept
No response from supplier as yet, i think due to the mooncake festival.

28 Sept
Give the supplier until next week. 
Think she is busy. Normally, she reply mails very fast...but i haven't receive anything from her lately, despite sending quite a few mails per day..

30 Sept

Supplier replied my e-mail.
Bangles oos - #14 (black with gold)
Affected pple:

Will use the excess for postage.
sharon / bittensjp
Grac / melody_grac

Will refund
Puay Ching/glamshopaholic

Waiting for supplier to inform me of the shipping.

2 Oct
Already paid supplier, chart posted below.
Waiting for supplier to keep me inform of the shipping no.

Already refund Puay Ching/glamshopaholic - $9 - ref no.: 1377693247

Things to note:
- Some bangles have prices reduce, due to the bulk purchasing (more than 1 of the same order)
- 10% dicount off  all items.
- 2.8% ez-pay charges.
- Additional discount given by supplier, is used to offset the shipping (Total shipping amount is 495NT. Shipping amount per unit is 0.30.
- Please post all ur details in here:
Top-up amount are in red, black means refund. Will sent items asap, once i receive them.
Pls ad $2.24 for registered mail.

Please click on the chart for a bigger view.

4 Oct

Supplier already shipped out the items on the 2nd.
Tracking no.: CC069803245TW

6 Oct
Items arrived in Singapore this morning.
Will take another 2~3days for them to sent to me.


9 Oct
Items received today.
Will need some time to check through. Once i'm done, will start to mail out the items.
Will keep updating in here.

10 Oct

Only manage to send 3 mails out today. Will try to send the rest tml.
Bubble-wrap not enough, so i use other methods to wrap the bangles.
It will be covered fully.

DateName / Lj nickStatus10 OctNur Hafizah / qutistic88Mailed Denise/isoaixReg no.:RR610132749SG Caryn/tootdogMailed 11 Octsharon / bittensjpMailed, Refund $8.50, Ref no.: 1396764638 Michelle Lim / AmaizeingMailed Celine / wallfloretteMailed Xenia/laneypuffyMailed, Refund 0.25, Ref no.: 1396767539  Wendy/ccaannddyy18Mailed, Reufnd 2.05, Ref no.: 1396772505  alicia/ bl00dyallyMailed, Refund 0.13, Ref no.: 1396775026  12 OctMelissa/ orrrrangeMailed, Refund: 0.28, Ref no.: 1396761187 yanqiMailed yiting/junklutzMailed FangMin/koreajjangMailed Gina Chia / xinying_ginaMailed 15 Octrosanne/gonecaseMailed, RR610889512SG Shi Jia / shijiajiaMailed   20 OctGrac / melody_gracMailed, refund $8.50, ref no.: 1411066608 
13 Oct
chart updated.
For those whom i have already mailed out, if u didn't received within 3~4 working days, do e-mail me.

Refunds will be done on sunday night.

15 Oct
Refunds complete.
Left 1 more person.

26 Oct

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