k so cely asked for a tutorial and here it is. let me just say that i'm taking a hiatus on writing tutorials.
so, we have our base, duplicate it twice, set both to screen.
add the usual curve i add
RGB - Input: 106 Output: 150
Red - I: 115 O: 137
Green - I: 114 O: 130
Blue - I: 82 O: 142
you will get
that. if you're havign problems with getting it,
here is the solution. note the "i prefer the second icon anyway" and "maybe it's a fault by the maker of the tutorial?"
anyways, set this to soft light.
now, duplicate the base once more, slide it over to the top and set to screen.
add a new selective color adjustments layer.
Cyan: -100
Yellow: +100
Cyan: +100
Yellow: -55
Cyan: +100
Yellow: -40
you're done.
now, add a new curves layer. we want to intensify the blues.
Red |
Green |
Blue >
thats it. lets hope this time there wont be my faults.