My fall_for_sx Creations! Vid and Fic

Dec 20, 2005 02:55

I was able to get out not just a fic, but a vid as well. And let me tell you, vids of this couple are not easy to make! But I had a blast making it.
Vid: Nightmare on Revello Drive )

spander, fic, vids

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Comments 2

emilygoober February 1 2009, 18:52:20 UTC
I didn't know you had an LJ! sweet. found this along with battleground, one of my favorite short fics EVA after seeing an allusion to it in your spangel vid. That vid was great and once I found out you made one with my OTP i was like "run, click, find... now"
and you totally did not disappoint, this vid was beyond awesome. especially considering how much harder it is to pull off, but when it's done well, spander is so damn good. i don't know how in the heck you did all these effects, but it worked so great with the music to give it that creepy (and sexy, wtf) nightmare feel. and i LOVED LOVED the Jesse cameos. Perfect beginning, hilarious ending. You pulled off the entire concept brilliantly.


_sharvie_ February 2 2009, 03:57:14 UTC
I didn't know you had an LJ! sweet. found this along with battleground, one of my favorite short fics EVA after seeing an allusion to it in your spangel vid.

I did what in the vid? And thank you! ;p Battleground was such fun to be able to let all that angsty!love out.

However you found me, thanks for the great fb! You are not kidding about how hard it is! This couple, my slash OTP too, is hell to vid. The clips are few and far between and then they are always ragging on each other. Pain in the butt! But something about them, I just had to do it.

The effects...gosh, I am such an effects whore! I just started playing around and couldn't stop. I figured since it was a dream, why the hell not! *lol*

I'm not sure how you found me, so you might have already seen it, but I have another Spander vid you might want to check out. I used all sorts of out of context clips to get these two together in some compromising ways.

It's a S4 Spike/Anya/Xander triangle vid. Right Where I Belong If you liked Nightmare, you'll love that one.


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