Vid: Right Where I Belong - S4 Spike/Xander

Dec 18, 2007 00:11

It's been 2 years to the day since I last posted a vid. Now after much huffing and puffing at my computer, learning to use Avisynth, and wracking my brain trying to come up with something for fall_for_sx, it's finally here. Whoo-hoo!

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spander, vidding meta, vids

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Comments 32

ash48 December 18 2007, 11:40:39 UTC
Yaaaay hun - awesome job! You know, simple is always good - and the story comes through loud and clear (this from someone who's never watched an ep of BtVS!) - but I do love the effects you have in here (I'll have to pick your brain about how to do those!!). It must feel great getting back in the driver's seat - congrats on your return. Great job. I hope you get lots of yummy feedback.


_sharvie_ December 18 2007, 11:54:09 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you so much for stepping in last minute with those notes! It helped me out a lot! And feel free to pick away, most of those effects are pretty easy...and yet I still managed to waste hours fiddling with them. *lol*

And now that I know I can do a vid in a month and a half (I looked out of curiosity and couldn't even believe it!) there won't be any stopping me now....I hope. :P


ash48 December 18 2007, 12:25:23 UTC
there won't be any stopping me now....I hope.

You go girl! Eep - does this mean I'll have to fight your vidding time for beta'ing time?!! Hee! No worries there actually - I think my muse has packed her bags and left home - or died!

Catchya. :)


_sharvie_ December 19 2007, 13:52:39 UTC
She better not have! You're one of my fav SPN vidders and I'm not just saying that cause I'm your beta. :D And no way am I giving that up. Seeing great work only helps to inspire me and set the bar higher.


deirdre_c December 18 2007, 13:51:22 UTC
YAYAYAY! FUN! It turned out wonderfully well! I love it! You definitely chose perfect clips to tell your love-triangle story and I think simple was an excellent choice. Congrats on getting it done and with how lovely it turned out!


_sharvie_ December 19 2007, 14:31:20 UTC
Thanks, hun! Love triangle was exactly what I was trying to go for, so yay! It worked! *does happy dance*


sevendeadlyfun December 18 2007, 14:25:02 UTC
Nice job! I enjoyed it a lot! :)


_sharvie_ December 19 2007, 14:31:50 UTC
Thanks, I had a blast making it. :D


sparrow2000 December 18 2007, 15:09:02 UTC
That was pretty damn spiffy, hon. Your 'Nightmare on Revello Drive' has always been one of my favourtie vids, but I think this is right up there with it, just in a different way. It's funny, with some of the clips I was really having to rack my brains to work out which ep. they'd come from, but I suspect that might be the few that you'd changed the time of day.

Really excellent stuff and well worth waiting for

Much love
s xx


_sharvie_ December 19 2007, 14:36:50 UTC
Awww, that's the best thing I've heard in days! You do realize it's been 2 years, right? :P And some of the clips go by so fast if I didn't pick them out myself I know I'd never place them. But if you're curious, just ask, and I'll spill all my secrets. :D


spikesgurl December 18 2007, 16:11:59 UTC
Oh honey, that was wonderful!! I'm so, *so* excited to see you've finished it! You did a great job... I was really impressed by how well you meshed different scenes together to create the story you were after. You rock!! *squishes you*


_sharvie_ December 19 2007, 14:40:38 UTC
*squishes you back*
Thanks, hun! I'm really surprised at how many scenes I was able to create and make work. I showed a co-worker today...she almost didn't believe me when I said they hated each other in the show. Hee! Isn't that awesome?! I made an AU vid, believable! Yay!


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