Let the Vidding Begin!

Oct 23, 2007 03:37

Well, after months of agonizing over source, deinterlacing, codecs, and codes, I have finally started to umm....actually edit ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

deirdre_c October 23 2007, 12:22:51 UTC
YAY! Go you!

*shakes pompoms in encouragement*


_sharvie_ October 23 2007, 21:15:29 UTC
Awww, thanks!


spikesgurl October 23 2007, 13:30:07 UTC
Woo hoo!! I'm really happy for you, sweetie! It's great to see you excited. Just don't let those Winchester boys lure you away from the Buffyverse entirely, ok? :)



_sharvie_ October 23 2007, 21:17:40 UTC
Heehee. I haven't even started ripping source for SPN. I'm starting with my Xander vid, next after I get my feet wet it's S4 Spander. I also have a cool Spike vid brewing in the back of my mind. With soooo many SPN vidders and my artistic skills being quite rusty, I'm sticking with what I know. The Buffyverse!


lsketch42 October 23 2007, 21:32:31 UTC
You go girl!

After you get your mojo back, I'll be waitin to see some SPN vids :)


_sharvie_ October 23 2007, 21:39:41 UTC
Oh I have some definite ideas! :D Though by the time I get around to them I bet someone else will have done them. *snicker*


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_sharvie_ October 24 2007, 00:10:26 UTC
Me too! *lol* Let's hope I still have some idea of what I'm doing. :D


ghostgirl13 October 24 2007, 03:06:20 UTC
Kind of off-topic, but just thought I would let you know... I recall you saying that you'd lost loads of con & concert vids and pics. I have several years-worth on CD or backed up on my external hard drive. Do you want me to bring what I can with me this weekend?


_sharvie_ October 24 2007, 03:18:42 UTC
OMG! Yes! Please, very much, and thank you! That would be wonderful. I have no idea how much of my hard drive they will be able to get and since I didn't take screencaps of my files, after all these years I have no idea what the hell I'm supposed to have any more. So yes!

Actually I just sent an email to Angela asking if she knew anything about the fires. My sis was saying they were in LA as well and that freeways are closing all over. I saw something break out right where I plan to drive so I don't know what's going on. I hope by Friday they have it all under control.

Icon love, btw. We're so loving Chuck! J is so happy I made him watch it. :D


ghostgirl13 October 24 2007, 03:32:10 UTC
Okay. I will scour my room for anything I can find and burn whatever I might have on my drive.

Here's a map of all the fires in SoCal at the moment. Hopefully the bulk of the fires will be put out by Friday, but you might want to plan for delays or try to figure out some alternate route.

Hee!! I'm glad the both of you are enjoying Chuck! I missed yesterday's epi because my satellite crapped out--probably because of the fires. I'm gonna have to download it. eyesthatslay made the icon. She has several awesome icons over here. :o)


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