Vid commentary meme

Oct 18, 2007 05:50

If you want commentary on aspects of any vid I've made, post a comment. Let me know if there are particular questions you'd like me to answer, choices you'd like me to talk about, or elements of the vid you'd like me to expound on (favorite moments, whatever).I've only made two public vids so I'll just be happy if no one says, "You make vids?." * ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

whenbuffysmiles October 18 2007, 13:05:00 UTC
Um, can I steal the meme and make it about fics instead? I couldn't do a video if my life depended on it, okay, in that case maybe but it would royally suck.

And in answer to your meme, I haven't seen your vids. Where would I find them?

Side note: I HAVE got to get me some SPN icons.


_sharvie_ October 18 2007, 13:12:52 UTC
I totally gacked this from several vidders on my flist so....I think once a meme is out there, it's out there. Steal it, warp it, make it your own. :D

My vids are currently on my website, Just A Flicker, which also has a link above. Unfortunately I haven't worked out a streaming option yet.

The place I find my SPN icons is the spnnewsletter. There was a huge icon section in the last post. You'll definitely find something there.


spikesgurl October 18 2007, 13:30:36 UTC
You make vids?


_sharvie_ October 18 2007, 13:37:09 UTC
*LOL* You are so lucky I love you! *swats you*


spikesgurl October 18 2007, 13:40:24 UTC
Sorry, I couldn't resist ;) I love my Spangel vid to pieces, you know that. *huggles*


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