Title: Ship Leave
Rating: PG-13 for violence, references to torture and captivity, and stab wounds
Summary: Two years after embarking on her maiden voyage, the Enterprise returns to Earth for some holiday-season shore leave after a typical mission-gone-wrong. Then things go wronger.
Author's note: Part three of three. This section's wordcount:
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Comments 21
My home internet isn't working, so I've been reading this in a coffee shop, trying desperately to keep the grinning and hand-flappy joy to a minimum, but I completely lost it at Bravery in the Face of Large Reptiles. Oh my GOD. (And the Jonathan Coulton reference! And women's lacrosse! AND JEFFRIES TUBES! Okay, I'll stop.)
I love the way you wrote Jim here -- he's just the right mix of growing into himself and causing trouble and being smarter than anyone gives him credit for. And I love, love, love the last scene with Kirk, Spock, and Bones, because -- well, because it's A Carefully Non-Denominational Holiday, and it wouldn't be if those three weren't together.
Thank you so much for writing this. I absolutely loved it.
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