What kind of people drive you crazy? Explain in detail. It can be anyone nice or mean, and it can be for the most smallest of reasons they drive you up the wall!
Is it the person who takes their screaming child to a nice restaurant?
That person standing in line at the register who won't get off their phone?
The drunk chick/guy that won't stop asking
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Comments 26
"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe." - Neil Gaiman.
- People who raise their children badly (see point 1).
- People who insist on leaving their children in their MaxiCosi, crying, because 'attention would spoil them'. Twits. You can't spoil a newborn with attention.
- Straight-edge HaRDxxxCoRe people who whine to me about drinking alcohol, eating meat and wearing leather. Don't force your opinion on me.
- People who shove their religion in my face. I'm equally uninterested in islam, christianity, judaism, hinduism, buddhism and paganism. It's just not my thing. I'm fine with people being religious, as long as they can keep it a private matter. Correcting me when I say 'damn it' is incredibly patronising.
- Bad grammar and spelling in my native language.
Texting in general pisses me off, come to that. I can see how it's appropriate in many places, but some people do it waaaaay too much.
Drunk dialing/texting/facebooking also strikes me as unspeakably rude. If you're drunk, annoy the person next to you, 'cause chances are they, too, are drunk and will not care. Wait until you're sober to talk to me.
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