ahahahaha! awwwwe, u poor thing! i feel bad 4 u, evry1 thinkin u liked ur CUZIN!! o man, that is still kinda funny tho! lol, no offense. it kinda reminds me of like, ur bro's friends stoppin him in his car n u in the car with him n askin, "so, who's the lucky lady?" and john goin, "my sista!!!" lolol! but not wuite as funny. haha.
oh, and i just wanna say, she's talking about melissa ledbetter, not me. i knew they were cousins from virginia's sweet 16 party. but the odd thing was, i couldnt figure out which melissa it was from the entry, so i had to ask virginia, lol.
Comments 4
Ciao 4 Now, Love, Ngozi
and about my bro thing. that was halarious! lol =)
love missy
omg if it were u who asked me thatd be soo wierd id be like "melissaaaaaaaaa!!"
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