Today made me realize that I really, really don't want kids. I mean, I knew before, but today made me really realize. Surprisingly though, they said I'd make a good mom. Okay.
My purse broke. So I got a new purse that is cooler. Much, much cooler.
I'm probably seeing the Glass Menagerie later tonight.
I really need to get new glasses. My current glasses suck. Hard. They keep bending. And that isn't cool. I'm never going to get cooler glasses than my dead blue ones, but they don't get much worse than the ones I currently have. Okay. So that's a lie. They do. But whatever. My glasses still suck.
Messenger, I hate you so much. No, I do not wish to download your newer "I-take-a-million-years-to-load-every-little-thing" version. I have told you at least 100 times. I do not want to tell you again.
Don't MAKE me ditch you for AIM, because I TOTALLY will. Honestly.