Hi there, I stumbled into this blog (after much searching) on Lauren Lee Smith and I'm really glad that there is this such place that I can get to know more about this brilliant actress with the contagious laughter. I'm from Singapore and I first saw her in Pathology though it was the storyline that caught my attention, not the cast and finally noticing her in CSI as I have been a hardcore fan since day 1. Really glad she joined the team, a fresh addition to the emotionally crashed team then. Simply love Riley's wicked humor but then, just love it. I hope this place will continue its update on this bubbling actress and I do hope she keeps smiling and laughing in life, very healthy and indeed sweet-looking she is. =)
Re: She's sweetfirstmutantJuly 28 2009, 21:40:57 UTC
Hello, and welcome to the community! It's always a pleasure to meet other fans of Lauren Lee Smith. I hope that career continues to flourish, so that she can become more well-known.
Re: lauren leave csi ?firstmutantJuly 28 2009, 21:42:04 UTC
I just read that myself! It's a shame that she's leaving so soon; I was hoping that she would have more of a chance to develop her character on the show.
Comments 4
I´m so sad.Lauren leave csi ? Sucks!!!
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