*insert cliched lyric here*

Mar 14, 2013 21:35

My first reaction when I heard about the VM movie was "No, no, no". But then, as the news settled in, I started thinking that there's probably not a way for them to screw it up any worse than season 3 and I settled down into calm acceptance ( Read more... )

tv: veronica mars

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Comments 11

smelltheflowers March 14 2013, 20:57:14 UTC

I must admit I felt nothing but elation and excitement when I heard about the Veronica Mars movie. As sappy as it sounds, the video alone was enough to bring tears to my eyes after all these years. As much as I loved the glimpse of Logan/Veronica, I think I was most moved by the scenes between Kristen and Enrico. They had one of, if not the best, father-daughter relationships ever portrayed on television, and it was nice to see them together again.

Season 3 of Veronica Mars was so abysmal and left such a sour taste in my mouth, I would welcome anything that could put a better period at the end of that particular sentence. I feel like this will be an opportunity to write some of the wrongs perpetrated in Season 3 and get out from beneath the exacting hand that certainly didn't help steer Season 3 in the right direction. I think removing the season-long mystery was one of the biggest mistakes. As poor as it might be (And I'm going to try and think positively and hope for the best) I see the film as nothing more or less than an ( ... )


_jems_ March 14 2013, 21:33:21 UTC
My instinct was "oh god, please don't make it worse", but I think the fact that season 3 distanced me so much from something I had loved like crazy makes it easier now. I've already compartmentalized the seasons and nothing can tarnish season 1 worse than season 3 did. However, just the fact that Piz is supposed to be in the movie puts a damper on the whole thing for me. It's a high school reunion, right? So what is he doing there? I'm afraid to even speculate.

I think removing the season-long mystery was one of the biggest mistakes.
Totally and completely agree. Even when they devolved into a mess (ugh, Beaver.), they made the show come together as a whole.

I also can't help but hope this opens the door to other, similar projects.I'm not so sure about this. Maybe I only exist in a very isolated part of fandom, but I don't see it gelling quite so easily for other projects. Sure, I think people will try, but the success of this one is most likely an aberration. Not that I think other projects can't get funded, but I doubt it will ( ... )


crackers4jenn March 14 2013, 22:08:15 UTC
I was super impressed with how fast that money was raised, I have to admit, and I loveddd how infectious the happiness and enthusiasm over it was! And, for real, how cute was that video? I think the only time I ever felt gross about things was when Rob Thomas teased killing off Logan if they didn't reach $3 mil, only because it seemed sorta... greedy? After everything? I don't know, I didn't like it. But!!! I think it's awesome this is going to happen. Arrested Development's coming back, Veronica Mars is getting a movie... let's revamp all the old faves! Dawson's Creek next, please.

I'm curious to see how you feel about Parenthood once you get a bit further in. Which is not to say you will feel any different about it, but I'm pretty sure I watched casually the first two seasons -- maybe even through a lot of the third -- and then, bam. It turned into a worthy enough Friday Night Lights fill-in. Then again, you only casually liked FNL too, right?

I juuuust started watching The Americans. I'm only 1 ep in, but I'm hooked.


_jems_ March 14 2013, 22:42:20 UTC
I think there are only a few fandoms that could have done it that quickly (you know Buffy fandom would have had VM fandom beat by a mile), but yeah, super impressive. It seems to be tapering off quite a bit, but that's not all that surprising now that they're almost 150% funded.

(Confession time: I haven't even watched the video. I'm feeling all fuzzy about it from gifs and descriptions, but what if I watch it and something bothers me?)

I'm excited for others more than myself that it's happening. I'm still not 100% sure RT will get it right (though it's not impossible, he did create season 1 after all), but experience has taught me that raising my expectations never does me any good.

Dawson's Creek next, please.Honestly, I'm kind of charmed by James Van Der Beek now that he's not Dawson anymore, so I'm actually not interested in seeing this revisited and having him ruined again. Especially since it ended perfectly ( ... )


lauresque March 14 2013, 23:53:28 UTC
I have never been happier at a Top Chef result! Even if the new format for the finale sort of... made me sideeye.

my feels about the VM movie are way too complicated right now, lol.


_jems_ March 15 2013, 16:42:02 UTC
I have never been less interested in a finale. I had it on in the background and only looked up when the winner is announced.

My feelings about VM in general are complicated always, but yeah... I'm not going to get my hopes up because we all know what that leads to, but I'm also not completely discarding the possibility that it might be good.


(The comment has been removed)

_jems_ March 17 2013, 20:41:15 UTC
I was like that to start with, but at this point I'm ready to just try to forget about it until it becomes a reality. I don't want to get my hopes up and I don't want to be drowned in negativity. Better to just forget about it for a while.

It is nice to see Kristen and Enrico back together, their relationship on the show was always my favorite thing.
I loved it in season 1, but I felt a lot of the complexity went out of it along the way. I hope they bring that back!

once I get attached to characters, I'll watch pretty much anything with them in it
I have no problem giving up on a show, but I never give up on characters once I've started to love them. Oftentimes, the very reason I give up on a show is so that I don't grow to hate characters I love.


spectralbovine March 15 2013, 03:05:33 UTC
Yeah, one of my favorite things about the Kickstarter is all the old faces! I'm hearing from people I haven't heard from in years!


_jems_ March 17 2013, 20:41:56 UTC
So many long-lost posters showing up on my flist!


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