
Dec 08, 2008 21:43

I've become (re-)obsessed with online games. Mostly puzzle games. Some of my favorites from the past few weeks:

  • Word Bubbles. Not at all a puzzle game, but a word game. poshcat linked it last week or so, and I've been playing it daily since. I LOVE THIS ONE.
  • Atomica. This is a lot like Clines (which came in real handy when my internet was down at work ( Read more... )

tv: it's always sunny in philadelphia, games, meme, tv: amazing race, links, tv: billable hours

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Comments 19

roniabirk December 8 2008, 20:51:55 UTC
I don't know if you play on iWon.com or not, but there are some good games there. You can also join a charity team - like Fandom Rocks - and earn coins toward donations for the charity.

I used to play at Kongregate a bit. I like the Defender games.


_jems_ December 8 2008, 21:39:48 UTC
Ooh, there are some oldies-but-goodies on that site. Collapse! I always forget how completely stressed out I get playing that game.

Thanks for the tip!


roniabirk December 8 2008, 21:41:24 UTC
I can only handle so much Collapse. Once I get to a level where the blocks change colors on me, it drives me bonkers, and I let it die, lol.


_jems_ December 8 2008, 21:45:02 UTC
I usually get to the point where the only thing you can do is randomly click all over the screen, but where no human being, with a human's reflexes, could ever even attempt to make calculated decisions. But by that level I'm pretty much a nervous wreck. Heh!


typicrobots December 8 2008, 21:20:39 UTC
YES, SUNNY. I'm so glad you like it! And you're right, you either love these characters for being so hilariously mean, or you turn your TV off. There's no in between.

And the formatting of this show has always driven me batty. I think you're right to not trust that website, since the show itself is aired in fullscreen. Who airs in fullscreen anymore?


_jems_ December 8 2008, 21:42:55 UTC
They are such horrible, horrible people, why do I like them so much? I think the Bluths probably ruined me to look at assholes and rejoice in their assholishness. =)

The full screen thing is a real misstep, I think. Even Burn Notice and My Boys - shows that aired at least their first seasons in full screen - had widescreen DVDs. It just makes a show seem dated when they're not using the latest - and best! - technology.


svveetivy December 8 2008, 21:59:39 UTC
a good place to go play some word games is http://www.wordsplay.net

i go there a lot when i want to waste time or im bored


_jems_ December 8 2008, 22:06:12 UTC
Thanks, that looks like it could be fun.

And seriously, thanks for the tip in the last post, I think I would have torn my hair out if I hadn't had that link handy today.


svveetivy December 8 2008, 22:29:02 UTC
yea it is, its a real thinker sometimes. its basically boggle online.

oh your welcome. i have ran into problems where my computer decides to erase my data on my firefox, so all my passwords and bookmarks are gone. its happened a few times, i didn't even know about backing up that info before hand. that's why its always good to do research on computer questions lol. i recently had it happen to me some months ago, i barely have any bookmarks now from when my bookmarks and passwords were erased. i slowly get them back as i need them or remember them.


poshcat December 8 2008, 23:28:41 UTC
Ha ha! My Word Bubbles power knows no limits!!!! Or something. :0P I play every day, too.


_jems_ December 11 2008, 21:00:41 UTC
I'm thinking those bubbles contain crack, because why else would they be SO ADDICTIVE? Though weirdly enough, after spiking about four days ago, I seem to be getting worse now. Don't know what that's all about. Probably got the shakes or something.


bigboobedcanuck December 9 2008, 02:09:23 UTC
I'm so happy for Nick and Starr. Nick especially is one of my fave racers ever. He really never put a foot wrong, and was always calm under pressure. Overall a lacklustre season, but I was really glad they won.


_jems_ December 11 2008, 21:28:12 UTC
Yeah, Nick, Rob and Colin are probably my top three. Actually, I think Amber edges out Nick, because he's doesn't have enough of a presence. Let's say they're my three favorite male racers. TAR isn't what it used to be, but at least there haven't been any atrocities like Flo winning in recent years so I guess you gotta take the good with the bad.


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