Love is in the air

Aug 11, 2008 21:34

I haven't posted in over two weeks, and I feel less and less inclined to do so with each day that passes, so right now I'm forcing myself to post something. Might as well be something useful, right? So here's an update on my Extensions=love post, which I have reposted in full, with new extensions in burgundy.

Extensions=love )

links: extensions, links, tv: project runway australia, tv: make me a supermodel australia

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Comments 10

outoftime August 12 2008, 00:12:37 UTC
Can I just say I have been randomly watching all of That 70's Show lately, so it was such a surprise to see you just made icons, which are gorgeous and which I have taken two of. I love your stuff, and this icon won an award at fandom_awards, fyi :)


_jems_ August 12 2008, 09:50:34 UTC
While the icon-making did give me twinges to rewatch season 5 (the only one I own on DVD, incidentally), I really started making Jackie/Hyde icons because I'm having major 'ship nostalgia lately, especially for my smaller 'ships that I have no icons of. Next on the iconing block: Creegan/Branca and Patrick/Sally.



dtissagirl August 12 2008, 00:15:49 UTC
I'm gonna browse the new extensions to see if something grabs my eye, thank you!

And DUDE! Text resizing is my VERY FAVORITE thing about FF3 -- and not just because the links keep the size, but because FF3 remembers the font size you chose even after you close the site. Fic-reading has become even easier now. :)


_jems_ August 12 2008, 09:55:09 UTC
I haven't found anything that I absolutely LOVE recently (though this post contains "new" extensions that I've had for MONTHS because I've been slacking off on updating the original post), but both FireFTP and GButts help make my job a lot simpler. And ScribeFire will probably be useful once I remember I have it.

I still think the address bar edges out the text resizing, because there are a few annoying aspects to it, like the fact that if you set the text size on LJ communities to be larger, it'll not only be larger on the fic comms, but on ALL comms. But then again, that's pretty much my only pet peeve.


molly_may August 12 2008, 01:46:40 UTC
I love it when you or dtissagirl do a post like this, because I always find so many helpful things that I never knew existed! Thanks!


_jems_ August 12 2008, 09:56:21 UTC
Glad they're helpful! I'm always amazed that anyone can do without extensions, I can't surf without them anymore!


harper47 August 12 2008, 16:05:28 UTC
I simply couldn't believe it the week Petrova was eliminated because I was sure she would be one of the final 3. This proved a very interesting way to bring her back and it really was a lovely outfit. I did enjoy Leigh's glamourous look too. Still I feel like Mark has been barely skating by lately and I'm not sad to see him go. And Juli truly had a horrendous partner in Deborah. She will probably be booted soon and I agree with your top 3. I do like Brent and feel he has done some good work. I just question whether he can keep it up. Still what a great season.

Compared to the US version? Hands down Australia is the winner. (just like they just won the SYTYCD battle too in my mind. Go Australia!)

I did watch Australia's Make me a Supermodel. I really don't know who anyone is yet though a few of the boys looked modelesque. I couldn't bear the American version which it was all about the one guy crushing on the other so I'm hoping I like this more.


_jems_ August 12 2008, 22:09:25 UTC
From the very first episode I was so sure that Petrova would make it to the finale and I was so disappointed when she was booted. So yay!

I think Leigh's felt too much like Sophie's creation, and yes, collaboration, but it was almost entirely her aesthetic. Maybe he did it that way because the outfit was for her, who knows? But since we didn't see much of their design thought process, to me it mostly just looked like she'd done it ( ... )


fruitlolita August 12 2008, 21:44:48 UTC
um, how much do i love you for this \(*0*)/
i loooove extensions but i keep downloading crap ones that disappoint me and mess up my firefox so this is so great to get recommendations and reviews from someone real :D!!
*downloads dozens of them*


_jems_ August 12 2008, 22:12:34 UTC
I haven't really had time to test them all yet, at least not the new ones. And some aren't yet compatible with Firefox 3. I keep them in the post so that I'll remember to check for updates. And it's mostly the bookmark checker ones, which I don't find I need constantly. In fact, I only have the extension installed on one of my computers since Foxmarks syncs my bookmarks between all my computers anyway.

Anyway, I hope you find some stuff you like!


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