Movie Cap Game!!!

Dec 28, 2007 14:01

Hey, better late than never, right? Right...?


. )

games, games: movies

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Comments 91

leucocrystal December 28 2007, 13:03:40 UTC
02. The Bourne Ultimatum

And... that's it! What irks me is that there are several here I feel like I should know, but yet don't. I can't wait to see the answers though, as always! You must have fun putting these together. I know I would. :)


_jems_ December 28 2007, 15:03:29 UTC
Well, at least you got that one, right?

It's fun in a general sense, but the capping itself is mostly annoying because I have to wait for the intros/warnings/menus for each and single DVD to play before I can actually grab that ONE cap - unless I've already played it, but of course, if I've already played it, I've usually already used it in one of these games.


buffyx December 28 2007, 13:13:32 UTC
02. The Bourne Ultimatum (which I haven't seen, but I remember the trailer!)
11. Blades of Glory
12. The Hours
16. Mr. & Mrs. Smith


_jems_ December 28 2007, 15:04:36 UTC
Yes, all correct!


blindbeats December 28 2007, 13:15:52 UTC
02. Bourne Ultimatum
09. Waitress
10. The Royal Tenenbaums
12. The Hours

I think I know some more but Im not really sure.


_jems_ December 28 2007, 15:06:15 UTC
Yes, all correct.

I'm usually tearing my hair out at cap games because if my synapses would only fire I could figure out where I recognize something from. It's really frustrating!


twilightbadgirl December 28 2007, 13:18:56 UTC
01. Edward Scissorhands
02. The Bourne Ultimatum
04. Inside Man
09. Junebug
12. The Hours
15. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
16. The Painted Veil
17. omething with Toni Collette?


twilightbadgirl December 28 2007, 13:22:33 UTC
03. LA Story
09. Not Junebug but Waitress


_jems_ December 28 2007, 15:07:41 UTC
You already corrected yourself on number 9. 16 is not correct, and what you put for 17 is correct, but you know...not really the right answer. =) The rest are right!


(The comment has been removed)

moyawyvern December 28 2007, 13:36:28 UTC
13. Emma

And I am sorry to say that is all I know, that hasn't been guessed already. I am very pathetic with movies.


_jems_ December 28 2007, 15:08:52 UTC

I tend to be better at TV show cap games, I think it's because I'm more interested in TV caps and TV shows in general.


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