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Comments 38

lauresque February 20 2006, 18:36:12 UTC
Despite my assertions that I may have to download Grey's Anatomy again if my flist started squeeing in earnest, I just can't bring myself to watch Meredith. Any time I even contemplate it, my entire mind just rebels against the horribleness that is the lead character and I can't do it. Too bad, but what can you do?

God I hate her. SO MUCH. Like violently. and after last night I hate her tenfold. BUT I CAN'T STOP WATCHING. Jems, it's an ADDICTION.

as for GG... I've completely stopped watching alltogether. I just... I don't like seeing Luke and Lorelai like this and the April plot still bugs on the level that there was no reason for it other than to throw a wrench. jsut once I wanted to see Luke and lorelai deal with the problems BETWEEN THEM instead of dealing with something external... *headdesk* I used to love them SO MUCH.


_jems_ February 20 2006, 18:54:01 UTC
I disliked her in the first episode, hated her by the second, and by the time I watched the fourth episode I decided that I couldn't watch a show that would have a completely horrible title character (who could never ever leave, BTW) yet still have four different guys fall all over her in one single episode. It was just inexplicable! And since I started watching for Patrick Dempsey and hated him for actually playing someone who'd fall for someone that vapid, I decided I'd better let go and never look back. And despite the squees I can't bring myself to watch the show again ( ... )


lauresque February 20 2006, 19:22:05 UTC
See, I don't mind her when she's with Patrick Dempsey. At least, not as much. It's when she's pining over him/sleeping with half of Seattle that she drives me INSANE. And I don't know WHAT george could possibly see in her. Cause, like, Izzie is WAS prettier and WAY less stupid and just... argh. After this week I have some hope that one plotline I really really hate will go away, though. *crosses fingers ( ... )


_jems_ February 20 2006, 19:36:57 UTC
Oh, my Meredith hate just eclipses any hate for any television character ever. I hate her more than Marissa for crying out loud! Now that's hate. ;-)

I kept wondering why this season of GG felt so off, and I finally realized that it was because I was looking at it as the final season, where they would be going full out and showing us the love for the characters, but instead it turns out they're having to come up with reasons to stall the wedding for another year because there's going to be a season 7. And in the process ruining the characters and relationships it took five years to build up, but hey, who cares, right? *grumble*

I seriously can't think of a single example of a time when a relationship fell apart or had strife because of the CHARACTERS and not what was happening to them.
Well, Buffy breaking up with Spike in season 6 had that, sort of. But I find it funny to read your sentence and relate it to real life. Can you honestly point to a single real-life relationship that didn't end because of internal conflict as opposed ( ... )


evergleam83 February 20 2006, 18:51:53 UTC
I felt that Chloe was probably the best bet in terms of beating him, but 40s glamour doesn't seem like it's gonna cut it. Bah, I'm bracing myself for disappointment.

Yep. Pretty much.

I didn't see it coming, either. They completely sold her out. I really feel like they should have all been pointing to Santino rather than Chloe as the one to beat, since the judges/producers seem to excuse anything and everything he does, but maybe that's why they didn't. It did make me think a bit less of Daniel V., too, because he didn't do it because he thought Chloe didn't seem to want it as much, he did it because she's the serious competition. BAH! OWN YOUR CHOICES!

I would've seriously loved to see Nick in the final three with Daniel and Chloe. That would have been a fun show. I miss Nick.

I am, however, getting very excited for the Reunion show. Zulema/Nick smackdown! Hah. I hope, anyway.


_jems_ February 20 2006, 19:01:05 UTC
Stabbing Chloe in the back seemed to be nothing more than getting rid of the strongest competitor, and it made my esteem for all of them drop immensely.

I feel like Daniel V. might have a slight chance at winning if he actually has a vision. I don't feel like we've seen it on the show, but there may be something lurking there that we haven't grasped yet. I think the problem with him is that he's much too adaptable, which says to me that he doesn't really have a style of his own, but rather a generic style that appeals to the masses.

When I saw the finale for last season I was really quite amazed at how much I loved Jay's collection, because I really didn't pay his creations much mind during the show itself, but when he got to do his own thing he just shone. I don't see that possibility from any of these three finalists. I mean, Santino might have a vision, but it's not one I particularly like. And Chloe's sounded way too boring. How can you take such an iconic fashion era and make it your own? Judging by her dress, you really can'


evergleam83 February 20 2006, 19:13:51 UTC
I think the problem with him is that he's much too adaptable, which says to me that he doesn't really have a style of his own, but rather a generic style that appeals to the masses.

You're right, but the thing is, I think that's what the judges, or well, Michael Kors especially, like about him. I don't know, I just get the feeling that Michael Kors sees a little bit of himself in Daniel. Or wants to anyway. :p

I think it's kind of a testament to this season, though, that no one really stands out the way they did last year. I mean, it was prety clear from the very beginning of the season who was going to make it to the end, and with the exception of Kara going two episodes later than I thought she would, I basically called the order that every single designer would get kicked off. (Well, you know, besides the Nick thing. I wasn't sure whether Nick or Santino would go there for awhile.) None of them seem to have a really clear vision, and at this point, I really don't know who will win ( ... )


_jems_ February 20 2006, 19:20:49 UTC
Oh, you're probably right about Michael Kors. I never thought of that, but they are rather similar, aren't they?

I really do hope that one of them "pulls a Jay" and amazes me in at fashion week, but my problem is that Chloe's idea seems too pedestrian, Daniel doesn't seem to have it in him, and I've already seen Santino's "Jay" and it doesn't work for me. On any level.


alocalband February 20 2006, 19:12:04 UTC
Agree, agree, and agree ( ... )


_jems_ February 20 2006, 19:25:32 UTC
It didn't really strike me until this latest episode how much Luke is acting like he's always acted, and how much Lorelai isn't. And I really can't fault Luke for being that way, because he's already changed quite a lot in his relationship with Lorelai, but it's because he's wanted to, not because she's asked. I don't think she wants him to change, but when she does change and then gets depressed that he's not picking up on something he wouldn't have picked up on in a million years at any time, I can't help but feel that Lorelai is in a downward spiral. And that depresses me because I love how full of life she always is, and she really isn't right now.

As for BSG, I think there's a point where you feel that the show has to pick up the ball and run with it. Whether it be characterization or plot. And BSG dropped it on both counts.


alocalband February 20 2006, 20:44:34 UTC
And that depresses me because I love how full of life she always is, and she really isn't right now.
Same here. Her energy and life has always been one of the big draws of the show for me. Also, the way that that contrasted with Luke's personality, and often prompted him into a more happy place was, I thought, a great dynamic within their relationship. Their outlooks on life are so different, but that's been a good thing so far because it helps Luke find a more compassionate side of himself, and alternately Luke helps ground Lorelai. But lately she seems to be in a downward spiral like you said, completely throwing this dynamic off kilter.

Ditto what you said on BSG.

And P.S. I miss VM and TWW too. Sigh.


girlcontinuum February 20 2006, 19:16:18 UTC
My interest in medical dramas was lost once ER started sucking. I caught GA on tv a couple of times, and hated most of the characters and situations. I did like Sandra Oh, but I don't think that is worth watching the entire 40 minutes for. Plus, does Meredith have a permanent cold or what? Can't we have a narrator with a non-annoying voice? Are all doctors arrogant pricks? I wonder.


_jems_ February 20 2006, 19:28:10 UTC
I haven't watched ER in ages. Since Romano got his arm sliced off, I think. But it had devolved into something not really good way before that.

I actually liked a few of the other characters as well, like Izzie, but my hate for Meredith (and the actress playing her) eclipsed any love I could have felt for any of them. I hated them for existing in her space. It was really quite sad.


evening_star February 20 2006, 19:48:08 UTC
I had a quick question about capping.

Do you have to cap your dvds manually, by pressing the capture button for every frame you want in programs like WinDVD or PowerDVD? Is there a software/technique you can use so it automatically selects a certain amount of frames per minute?

I know with AVI files there is a program the does that. I was hoping someone could do the same thing with a dvd. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! ♥


_jems_ February 20 2006, 20:03:22 UTC
Yes, I cap "manually". I really don't think that capping any other way is constructive to getting good caps. There are too many shots that require you to step through and find the exact frame and I hate to think of all the wonderful caps I'd miss with an automated process. If there even is such a thing, I really don't even know. =)


psychme February 21 2006, 00:32:30 UTC
I haven't tried it out myself, but I know someone who uses HyperSnap DX, which caps at customized time intervals. I think you can use the program in conjunction with your DVD-playing software.

If you don't mind my asking, what is the program you mentioned that can select a set number of frames per minute from an avi file? That would be helpful to me.

Thanks. :)


_jems_ February 21 2006, 01:40:59 UTC
I think I heard somewhere (actually, read, but you know...) that VirtualDub does that.


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