VM Trivia Game

Nov 14, 2005 19:02

I was bored. I decided to compile VM trivia questions. They're mostly from season 1, and I'm not 100% sure about all of them since I did it mostly from memory.


... )

games: tv, games: trivia, tv: veronica mars

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Comments 43

ex_stormwin November 14 2005, 18:15:45 UTC
Wow. I know about 5 of those.

I really need to get the DVDs and re-watch :P


_jems_ November 14 2005, 19:17:28 UTC
Yes, you really do. =)


(The comment has been removed)

_jems_ November 14 2005, 19:22:34 UTC
On 11 I was actually thinking the number of miles because the time it takes to get somewhere can be so arbitrary.

As for the dances, I only know of one more that we know the name of, but I'm still investigating. =)


protoainsley November 14 2005, 18:34:05 UTC
Oh, hard!

1.) Drinking the Kool-Aid, A Trip to the Dentist, and ? (though she's coming out of the shower in Like a Virgin)
2.) Three
3.) Polly and ?
5.) A woman screaming
6.) Carves (vegetables)
7.) Susan Knight
8.) red convertible
9.) red convertible
10.) 3 October 2003
11.) 30 miles
12.) calculus
13.) Aaron's
14.) Six
19.) 6:03pm
20.) Body Heat
21.) Blondie's 'One Way or Another'
23.) Felix
24.) 14
26.) Type IV
27.) 20
29.) 'Wind Beneath My Wings
30.) They all do.
32.) $500K
35.) Mallory Dent
37.) Miss Dumas
38.) The Smoking Gun
40.) Madison Sinclair
41.) Trina
43.) Reynolds
44.) Total Eclipse of the Heart, Love is Thicker than Water
45.) First week in February
46.) Madison Sinclair
47.) Moon Calf Collective
48.) Three
50.) Rims
51.) Hesse's Siddhartha
52.) Three
53.) vmars at aol dot com, vmars at neptunehigh dot org
54.) Seth
56.) $10 price tag, but it was free with some Gordon Lightfoot LPs
57.) 06.00


protoainsley November 14 2005, 18:35:21 UTC
...and looking at some of the answers I missed, I'm feeling very silly now.


_jems_ November 14 2005, 19:25:08 UTC
Number 19 is oh-so-very-close. But wrong. ;-)

And Veronica's school e-mail isn't quite right.

I am impressed by the recollection of the Gordon Lightfoot LPs, though.


protoainsley November 14 2005, 19:30:36 UTC
And I did remember that it was veronicamars at neptunehigh, just like it's megmanning at neptunehigh; I just typed it wrong in my haste to answer as many as I could.

It's scary, the random things I do remember, when the big things I don't.


typicrobots November 14 2005, 18:39:20 UTC
# We've seen Veronica take a shower in three different episodes so far. Which ones ( ... )


typicrobots November 14 2005, 18:39:50 UTC
# What have been the names of the Neptune High dances that we've seen so far ( ... )


_jems_ November 14 2005, 19:31:22 UTC
# What did Weevil get a trophy for?
Rotating... tires? Something?
Rim job!

vmars@aol.com is the only one I know.
She actually has at least three.


_jems_ November 14 2005, 19:29:17 UTC
The rubber duckie count is close, but no cigar. Troy's girlfriend's name does start with "Sh", but it's not Shelly.

# What does John Enbom's father do?
Ambassador to something.
That's actually Shelly's father you're thinking of.

# What slip at the Albacore Club is the Echolls yacht moored at?
This right here is Logan telling Veronica what slip the yacht is moored at.


kiki_miserychic November 14 2005, 18:48:38 UTC
1. Umm. "Trip to the Dentist" is one.
2. 3?
3. Billy the goat and Polly the Parrot?
5. Face
7. Sweet Knees
8. Red (That's all I know about cars. ever.)
14. 3?
15. Daryll
17. Catlin Ford, but really she was playing herself... with a pink Vespa and less money
21. Blondie's "One Way or Another"
22. Molly. *sniff*
24. 14?
26. Four
30. Troy and Luke
32. Half a million
35. Ms. Dent (annoying)
36. Joey Lauren Adams...
37. Miss DumbAss
38. Smoking Gun
40. Madison
41. Trina
52. All, half the men, and that one time with an alpaca.
53. vmars@aol.com
58. Christ, like all but 5.


_jems_ November 14 2005, 19:32:54 UTC
52. All, half the men, and that one time with an alpaca.

But no.

58. Christ, like all but 5.
Actually, I can only think of four. And two of them have been in season 2.


kiki_miserychic November 14 2005, 20:30:18 UTC
52. I just saw that actor in part of an 80's movie where he was gay and now I think every character he plays is gay.

58. I just think Logan plays video games in every episode because I've read so many fics that have him playing video games with either Weevil or Duncan or Beaver or Dick or... Wow. Logan is a video game slut.


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