Take out the trash day

Jul 29, 2005 23:56

The following is a bunch of stuff I keep meaning to post about but always forget.

I think Duncan is pretty. I used to think he was prettier than Logan. The problem is that that's pretty much all he is. He does nothing for me, I don't connect with him at all. And yeah, I think it's a failing of Teddy's, so sue me. If Jason can make me care about a ( Read more... )

tv: veronica mars, regina rules all, books: harry potter, movies: serenity, tv: arrested development

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Comments 36

puppetoflove July 29 2005, 22:01:52 UTC
You can use it if you want, lover! I know how hot Spike in a school girl outfit gets you!


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:08:40 UTC
Oh how well you know me!

I'm kinda surprised you aren't using it yourself. But I guess one is your limit when it comes to Spike icons and you can't part with that one?

I'll totally snag it and when I can figure out which icon to delete (where are my 100 icons, dammit?!) I'll upload it too. =)


puppetoflove July 29 2005, 22:10:11 UTC
I actually JUST uploaded it. I made it FOREVER ago, and totally forgot until I trounced it out to mock Spike at Sparklies.


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:29:46 UTC
As soon as I saw it yesterday I checked your user pics and was flabbergasted when it wasn't there.

*still hasn't been able to figure out which icon to delete and thus is unable to upload*


blanche_ July 29 2005, 22:08:35 UTC
I agree with you on Duncan, I never liked his character, thought of him as dull and not much more. He just don't strike me as a complex character, which Logan certainly is.

And HP shipping, I would have loved to see H/Hr, but as you say it has been obvious for a very long time that it was going to be H/R. Too bad though, I think H/Hr would be so much better together.

Okay, everyone here who's still with the person you dated when you were 16 raise your hand
Well, I'm with the same person now that I dated when I was 17, does that count? ;)


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:19:44 UTC
I think I could have liked Duncan. But at most I've pitied him, and since mid-season I've basically only thought of him as weak. And I think he could be a more complex character, but Teddy usually comes off looking befuddled instead of showing a complex emotion. The look he gives Veronica after her reveal that she's not his sister in the finale is a perfect example of how Teddy can't do reactions. I mean, look!

Too bad though, I think H/Hr would be so much better together.
But see, that's what I don't get. In HBP I basically saw a teenage couple who'll never last get together (I actually think Harry and Ginny have a better chance of lasting than Hermione and Ron). If this wasn't a kids book I'd give it three months tops. And even though I'm not sure Harry and Hermione would have ended up together I sure think they'd stand a better chance. For me it comes down to one thing that always makes me 'ship a couple - knowing one another. And who knows each other better than Harry and Hermione?

Well, I'm with the same person now that I ( ... )


blanche_ July 29 2005, 22:28:52 UTC
Speaking of HP and ships, I must say that I found the whole plot with relationships a bit tiresome in HBP. And Harry's thoughts/obsession with Ginny just seemed so sudden, completely out of the blue he realises that he wants her.

Teddy usually comes off looking befuddled instead of showing a complex emotion.
So true.


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:49:42 UTC
I actually thought Harry's obsession with Ginny seemed pretty much spot on for a teenage boy. They're totally ruled by their hormones so he's not going to think "why do I like her?" but "she's preeeeetty".

But yeah, I agree that it was tiresome, especially because I felt Hermione got the short end of the stick. I'd have liked to have seen some inkling of a Hermione that wasn't All.About.Ron. But not so much, as it turns out.

I know Teddy gets ragged upon a lot, but quite frankly he's just not in the same league so it's hard not to single him out.


hobviously July 29 2005, 22:11:40 UTC
Meh. In my opinion, R/Hr and H/G are whole different galaxies of obviousness. While I don't think there's any good reason for a person going into book six to honestly believe it's going to end with H/Hr, based on either text or JKR quotes where she stated repeatedly that they're platonic friends, there were lots and lots of good reasons to believe that H/G had been sunk in OotP. I'm a Harry/Luna shipper, and while I'm emotionally attached now, it began because I saw several raftloads of viable textual clues in the canon, as well as quotes from JKR indicating that Ginny's interest in Harry was not kosher exactly. H/G (and the fates of Luna and Neville) in HBP comes in contradiction with a great deal of OotP, whereas I think R/Hr has been pretty clear since...forever.

And I have no idea why I had to say that seeing as debating H/G is somewhere behind licking splintery wood on my list of things to do today, but anyway....Um. Spike has pigtails! *flee*


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:28:02 UTC
It's true that H/G wasn't as obvious, but it's been hinted at since book 1 so it didn't come as a shock in any way shape or form. I've just been terribly amused by H/Hr 'shippers who are storming off in a huff because JKR betrayed their 'ship and they're never reading another Harry Potter book as long as they live! Ever! (until book 7 comes out...)

As far as H/G goes I think it was handled pretty well except for the end. R/Hr, however, was handled pretty poorly in my opinion.

I've never really gotten Luna. She's too airy for me, I can't get a handle on her. But since my emotional attachment to HP 'ships are non-existent at best I wouldn't've mind seeing it in canon.

Pigtail!Spike is fabulous! Hee!


stevie_jane July 29 2005, 22:11:53 UTC

I 'ship H/Hr, but I always knew that's not where JKR was going. Doesn't mean I don't think it makes much more sense and is a much better fit. The end.

Yeah, she thinks bickering is a good thing, so hoping she'd do the great friendship becoming more thing = futile. Damn her. ;)

Regina's Spike manips scare me, but in a good way. I think?


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:33:18 UTC
I think that R/Hr is a very obvious pairing. But I don't think it's a good pairing because I just can't see it ever working out. In the future will Ron be jealous of Hermione's advancement/career opportunities instead of Harry's popularity/fame? Because that's how I see it. May have a lot to do with how I feel about Ron, but still...

The Spike manip is pure genius! Evil genius! But that's Reginas SOP, so I'm quite used to it. =)


fortunate_acdnt July 29 2005, 22:12:52 UTC
haha your little rant about jason and teddy, so funny- yes logan+scruff= hot :) it makes me smile. what if he shaves it off for the second season? how sad:(


_jems_ July 29 2005, 22:35:07 UTC
Thank you. =)

Alas, I think he's already shaved it if the most recent (spoilery) batch of pics are anything to go by. But we'll always have that Entertainment Weekly pic! (What I wouldn't give to find the rest of the photos from that photo session!)


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