An hour and 20 minutes!

Jul 03, 2005 18:39

That's how long it took you to guess all 30 caps correctly. You can still take a stab, ( or see the correct answers. )

games: tv, games: answers

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Comments 25

evergleam83 July 3 2005, 16:43:09 UTC
Hah, so I just watched that episode of Dr. Who last night, which is why I recognized it and couldn't place it.

Also, I totally skipped right over naked Mason butt and missed it completely. Grrr. And I missed both of the other Jossverse ones, too, and I definitely knew Cordy's feet. :P

Ah well, this one was fun! :)


_jems_ July 3 2005, 16:51:32 UTC
Doctor Who is tricky for me, because I'm not obsessed with it. I probably wouldn't have known it either. *g*

How could you skip over naked Mason butt?! Sacrilegious, that's what that is.


ladylamia July 3 2005, 16:43:13 UTC
mary cherry IS the best character ever. do you know any place i can get some good screen caps of her?? i've been making some icons but all i can really find are brooke/sam. :P


_jems_ July 3 2005, 16:52:29 UTC
Sorry, no clue where there are screencaps specifically of her. The ones I found were in cap_it's memories.


ladylamia July 6 2005, 04:20:00 UTC
thanks for pointing me in the right direction! :)


_jennilou July 3 2005, 16:58:37 UTC
there's Popular caps here. I think more are added often.


fenwic July 3 2005, 17:11:04 UTC
Bah, missed out again. That's what I get for, y'know, going to sleep at night. And I would've gotten almost half of them. (No, really.) Loved the guest star misleads, but I guess we all know too many shows too well :)

The West Wing. From the best scene ever on that show.

Oooh, yeeeah, Jed sticking it to that Dr. Laura is classic WW. Good times!

Can't wait until the next round ;)


_jems_ July 11 2005, 11:49:50 UTC
You know, as long as you don't actually look at the answers you can still play the game. =)

I loooove watching POTUS just totally squash that self-righteous bitch. It's like, the highlight of my entire rewatch.


spectralbovine July 3 2005, 17:14:35 UTC
I've never seen Numb3rs, actually. That just looked like it might be from that show.


_jems_ July 11 2005, 11:51:44 UTC
You should watch it, it's a good show. At least if you like cop dramas and the like. The thing I like most about it is the family aspect, it's not all shoot-outs and math problems.


sal101010 July 3 2005, 17:59:19 UTC
I mainly wanted to say that I love your icon.

But now I'm also thinking of looking for the rest of Dead Like Me to download. I feel like a larger view of Mason's butt...


_jems_ July 11 2005, 11:52:47 UTC

DLM is so worth the watch. And season 2 is being released on DVD on July 19th, if I'm not mistaken.


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