today i woke up at 9. and at 1030 went to pick up novak and went to the high school. hurdles were very boring. my mama took me to brea's best. yummm! and then later jacquie came over. we watched about a boy.its a very funny movie!! and we ate some pasta stuff. lauren and i kinda went driving. and then ordered a pizza.yummmmmy. tomorrow is the
yesterday i went to knotts. no one was there. 3 kids asked krystle out. hehehe. i ate some rice when i got home. yummmmmm. oh yeah, we got some lucky rabits feet, mine is arange
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i gave elizabeth the squeeze cd. she liked them. they aren' as good as david bowie!, but they are good. it's my pappy's b-day, so we went to eat at northwood inn. and you can throw the peanuts on the ground
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yAy im the president of the pen club. V.P= sara & krytle, Treasurer= elizabeth, secretary= victoria! we decided at lunch. it wasn't really an election though, it was just like "oh im this"
elizabeth and victoria need to be on track. and if you don't want to run you can do like
for those of you who asked. i just don't really like french fries. if there is nothing else to eat then i will eat them, but im not like" ohhhh yay i want french fries" they just taste weird.i still consider myself american
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today i woke up and novak and i went to the high school to go practice hurdles. it was really cold! then we went to juice it up. yummmmm. #14. hmmm after that i just kinda sat around. played digdug
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hmmm, making cool bracelets. went to pepe's yum. went to jacquies, and now making bracelet's sara i don't know if i want to make you one anymore. j/k heehe pen14, 10 points for shaving the beard!
HMmmmm, it appears that there is a longest beard contest at the school for senior guys. im guessing this is why Ben-jaymen is not shaving his beard. Sara you are a LIAR. i hoped you liked my comic. should i be sneaky again and not let him know who i am
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Hmmm, what to write, what to write? well school again today. um japanese students. elizabeth staying at home,but sending her essay to her teacher
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