If anyone's interested, I have a radio broadcast I found (of pretty good quality) of the Franz Ferdinand Buenos Aires show I was at, on February 28th.
You'll have to bear with comments in Spanish by the radio speakers, but.. if you know Spanish some are quite funny and delirious, but well yeah.. You still get the songs. =)
Part One:
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Comments 3
love you woman. i wore my Transatlantic Psychic Buddy shirt today, and everyone thought it was super cool and tired to read it all day. but gave up after they got past my name on the back. cuz they're lazy fucks. ;)
i got several comments on Willa Walo, the cool snowman though. So that's cool. yes. *nods*
I didn't know you were going to actually *use* it! I'll add it now.
I had added it when you told me about it, but stupid me did that on Cristina's LJ so I erased you and never got to adding you here! I'll do it now.
I don't think anyone would've understood my messy handwriting ON A TSHIRT anyways! hahaha. =) Everyone tries to read mine when I wear it too =)
Willa Walo was the COOLEST snowman ever!!
Love you
yay for addage.
ahahh I CAN UNDERSTAND IT. *nods* hehe. yayyyy for cross-atlantic shirtness. Obviously, we are cool. *nods* ;) hehehe.
willa walo owned my soul. I need to get a guinea pig now. he's gonna be called willa walo, in honor of the snowman. *nods*
love you too woman. OI. good luck at school, yeah?
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