lamortparfaite! New phone call record! High five, dude! Lolz. 1 hour, 58 minutes, 28 seconds! And add to that 37 more minutes when you called me after your battery died. We're so cool. XD
averita owns my mind. Or rather,
averita ruined my mind. When I open Photoshop these days all do is 6/9 manips. What do you do, Avery? You know what you should do...
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Comments 14
Cookies? Where? Where are the cookies????? I want cookies!!!!!!!!!!
BTW - I completely suck at getting my ass down to the post office so your package hasn't been sent yet! I'm working this weekend but I'll send it next week - I promise!!!!
No cookies. I just wrote it down to catch people's attention. And it worked!
Ooh, it's ok. You know, my next bday is in 10 months. You can make it. ;P
I'm trying! Work with me, give me an idea that I won't go to hell for writing!
And I hope you love the results. ;)
I'm trying to think of a plot that isn't ridiculously smutty, which isn't easy, you know.
If my newest crack!ship!art that I just finished (and that I'm probably going to post tomorrow) won't inspire you, then I don't know what else I can come up with. My brain is empty. I'm, like, blinded by the hotness. :P It's really unhealthy.
What have you done?!?
If all else fails I'll just stick 'em in a madlib! But I'm eagerly awaiting new crack!ship!art.
Lol, that might work. ;)
I'm going to post the new crack!ship!art in a few minutes.
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