
Dec 11, 2011 22:18

Guess who!! Hahaha wowww I don't remember how to use this thing!

How are all my sweet LJ ladies?!? Update me! =)

It'll take me days and days to update on everything that's happened to me. Last I updated Delilah was itty bitty. We're huge now! Jayden too. I'll have to update when I have more time and I'm not on my phone. =)

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Comments 11

faerieflings December 12 2011, 13:30:41 UTC
OMG you're ALIVE! Lol. I can't even remember it's been a year or so since you were on here? We moved to Oklahoma because Patrick got hired to work on wind turbines out here (I drive 45 minutes to get to a town with a Walmart, it's nuts!) and I had a baby boy in July, his name is Nevyn. And that's the big stuff!


x_x_spork_x_x December 12 2011, 16:20:19 UTC
Sounds like you live in the same part of the state that I do. I'm in Oklahoma too and everything is 45 minutes away.


faerieflings December 12 2011, 17:30:13 UTC
It's insane. I moved here from Tacoma WA, where I could walk to the nearest Starbucks! Different world.


x_x_spork_x_x December 12 2011, 17:31:46 UTC
I know how you feel. I moved here from Salem, OR. I miss things being open 24 hours, having more than one stoplight in town, and a cup of coffee? Only from the one gas station in town. LOL.


x_x_spork_x_x December 12 2011, 16:20:39 UTC
Aw I bet they are huge!


_iheartyoux3_ December 13 2011, 01:18:28 UTC
They are! I'll do a pic update


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