
Oct 20, 2011 15:59

This Twilight recast is for landofart
warning: all four images are 1,070px × 450px.

-- Emily Browning as Bella Swan
-- Gaspard Ulliel as Edward Cullen
-- Steven Strait as Jacob Black
-- Clémence Poésy as Rosalie Hale

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!iconmaker: stillamempty, movie: twilight saga, misc: picspam

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Comments 12

jarlisle October 21 2011, 00:44:06 UTC
Aw your twilight trio is so good.
haha maybe i would like the movies with your cast XD
who knows?! maybe you should film it XD


stillamempty October 21 2011, 01:09:35 UTC
well emily and gaspard are the "dream team" and steven is just .. he was perfect for jacob. that is all. xD
we were actually so close with emily!
she was asked to audition, but chose not to because she wasn't sure about acting at the time.
guh, if only we could have a remake with them.


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stillamempty October 21 2011, 01:42:59 UTC
ugh, they're just wonderful.


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stillamempty October 24 2011, 01:54:17 UTC
well that's the thing. I don't dislike her or Robert. she wasn't so awful in the runaways and I adore Robert. but trying to watch twilight it's just like looking at some kind of train crash.
(looking at the screencaps is way better than actually watching the movies. xD)


burningchaos October 21 2011, 04:03:40 UTC
Clémence Poésy is gorgeous - although she does, to me at least, look like a younger, more refined version of Claire Danes.


stillamempty October 24 2011, 02:06:29 UTC
I can see what you're getting at, there are some similarities when you put them next to each other. :)


sheld0n October 22 2011, 03:40:28 UTC
Oh, the original dream team... when was cool of us to have read Twilight, and loving Jacob wasn't so pedophil-ic. Those were the days!

Great job with these!


stillamempty October 24 2011, 02:15:18 UTC
I'm not gonna lie, I came to dream team a bit late. -ducks head- it was around the time the casting had started to finalize. I wanted to read the series before seeing the movies. Emily, Steven and Clémence were always there, but I didn't really have a clear Edward until seeing Gaspard - he just fell into that empty spot. as much as I love Robert (though he and Emily may have looked together) he and 'that brunette chick in the pictures' didn't seem to fit.

thank you! ♥


sofia_gray October 23 2011, 11:01:50 UTC
Oh, I've never thought about Clémence!
She would be perfect as Rosalie!


stillamempty October 24 2011, 02:17:18 UTC
she will always be my Rosalie. ♥
Nikki Reed is beautiful, but I, personally, don't think the blonde really suits her. and, like you said, Clémence would have been perfect.


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