the kindness of strangers.

Jul 18, 2009 05:31

Hi guys,

If anyone on my friends list is a dog owner/lover or just a huge fan of animals please read:

I really need to post about this. My great and very dear friend Taylor aka vehement is in dire need of some help. This goes out to all of you animal lovers out there especially.

Read more... )

friends, help!

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Comments 6

sparkly_joelry July 19 2009, 04:58:09 UTC
you just haaaaaad to post this, didnt you? You know my weakness for animals :(


_greatguitarsex July 19 2009, 09:56:21 UTC
Lol Jackie, I do. :) I know we both don't have much but anything, even just a dollar or two, will help. Taylor had to take Buddy to the ER again tonight because he was experiencing side effects of the meds he's on, bloody stool and stuff. :(

Btw, I miss you. I finally have internet back at home and I'M NOT ON DIAL-UP, lol. How's Jersey been treating you bb? We should make a date to chat soon.


sparkly_joelry July 20 2009, 05:44:09 UTC
heh. we are in Virginia now. eh. and YES WE DO. our internet goes up thursday!!


_greatguitarsex July 20 2009, 06:54:05 UTC
Wow, you're like an army wife getting shipped all across the country, lol.


futuremistakes July 21 2009, 14:28:02 UTC
i know how much she helped you out when you were having a lot of trouble. i donated $40 & i'd have sent more but it's the week before i get paid again & i just have enough left to take my Mum out next week. i hope he's doing a little better :]


_greatguitarsex July 22 2009, 06:59:54 UTC
EDIT- Because I just saw that I totally spelled your name with the 'E' added at the end. LOL FOREVER. Totally had a brain fart right there.

Oh Jo, you're an absolute angel. <3 Thank you SO much for doing that! And DO NOT APOLOGIZE, lol. Every little bit helps and you totally went out of your way to do more than enough. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU.

And ps: you taking your mom out on little dates is just adorable. :D Tell her I said hiii!


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