never can say goodbye.

Jul 09, 2009 00:43

I meant to post this after the memorial but just didn’t have the time. If you’re even just a little bit of a Michael Jackson fan please read this and watch some of the videos. I’d really appreciate it and I promise you won’t regret it. <3

EDIT: Making this a public entry so I can share it with some fellow MJ fans. :)

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videos, michael jackson, picspam

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Comments 23

sparkly_joelry July 9 2009, 09:30:45 UTC
This all just breaks my heart. You know, it makes me so sad, and mad at myself that before his passing, i too, such as many people, passed such judgment (although, not really, because, i truly believed, that even IF anything was true, that he didn't do it out of being a bastard or anything cruel) but i didnt really believe EVER that he would EVER harm a person intentionally, especially a child. Look at all the GOOD he did, the AMAZING he did. This man was 100% one of a kind, an AMAZING soul. Irreplaceable. Like I said in one of my last entries, this man, there will NEVER be another one like him, musically, business man, humanitarian, or even just great, caring person wise. Watching his videos now, there was just no one else like him. No matter how much he's been taken advantage of, or kicked around, or betrayed, he STILL loved, he STILL trusted, he was still KIND. He LOVED his fans, he LOVED children. Even with all these allegations towards him, he never stopped trying to help children. And his wonderful children. Oh lord, you and me ( ... )


shouldbehome July 9 2009, 10:28:07 UTC
There's so much I have to say in regards to this post.
I put everything in one post on my LJ because it won't fit in a comment.


wertica_ July 9 2009, 15:02:32 UTC
thanks more making me cry at work Jenny! :when i heard the news on twitterat first, i felt really sad for him, then his family etc. but got over it very quickly because after all, i was never a fan of his. but now that it's all sinking in and watching all those MJ-specials on tv etc. it makes me bawl my eyes out. ESPECIALLY after seeing Paris's speech ( ... )


vehement July 10 2009, 06:05:02 UTC
I think this is possibly the best MJ tribute I have seen. Because it's finally made me snap and realize that he's gone. I had been living in the stigma that the media created for him the past 10 years. His eccentricities jaded a lot of people, including me. But it's now at 1am as I looked at your post that I realized that one of the most influential men is gone. My childhood - watching what I had always deemed "the Free Willy song" live in concert on MTV with my cousin, eating Mike and Ikes and then watching Beavis and Butthead later. The nineties MJ is what I know. These videos are what I know. The fan-fucking-tasticness of Billie Jean (my favorite song, btw) is what I know. He completely changed the face of music videos. We wouldn't have 6 to 10 minute long music videos these days without him. Stories wouldn't be woven into songs without him ( ... )


zhay_rar July 12 2009, 12:07:07 UTC
Idk what else to say..I'm in a loss for words.
I swear this is the best MJ tribute I have seen. I thank you for this. :)


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