my fanfic community :D

Oct 14, 2007 06:36

I've neglected my hygiene for the millionth time this week, lol. You can say it- yes, Jen probably smells right now. I've been doucing myself in Bath & Body Works each time I've left the house though. My hair is so greasy I could probably rival any band guy right now ( Read more... )

fanfiction, my community!

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Comments 7

wertica_ October 14 2007, 22:26:27 UTC
ah how i love threadless ^^ been wanting to order soemthing from there for half a year now. but always forget when i have money.


_greatguitarsex October 22 2007, 10:41:07 UTC
You should definitely put some money aside and join. :D Lynda has ordered a handful of t-shirts from them and they're very good and reliable. :]


_greatguitarsex October 22 2007, 10:41:41 UTC
I meant, put some money aside and BUY, lol. *facepalm*


wertica_ October 22 2007, 14:44:53 UTC
hahayeah i got it xD

we we're thinking of buying the "end of the world" t-shirt for Gerard last spring for his b-day but we werent sure about his size etc.

i really need to put some money aside, but i just ordered some stuff from S//C so.. yeah.


redrimmedeyes October 19 2007, 09:15:42 UTC
I love your fics.
I so joined.


_greatguitarsex October 19 2007, 09:26:23 UTC
Thank you so much bbcakes. :D

And I feel like replying to your Myspace comment here, haha. How was the 2nd issue of TUA? I haven't gotten it yet. I've totally though about emailing Scott though, I just don't know what I'd say, lol. ;]

Also, if you ever have time could you do me a favor and read my MCR impact/saved my life/whateverelse entry? Lol, it's long and a couple entries down, but you were one of the people I would love to get input from, since we're always telling stories.


redrimmedeyes October 19 2007, 09:49:48 UTC
of course!
I didn't even see it!! I've been such a lame slacker at keeping updated on entries, but I'll make extra sure I read yours tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep while typingg this. Sorry about all the typos. :)



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