
Sep 29, 2007 05:21

This entry was written in response to jennasie's post at chemicalromance asking for people’s MCR stories. I think I’ve mentioned my story in bits and pieces for the most part, from reviews, random entries, and in Gerard’s birthday entry ( Read more... )

cutting, mcr, rehab, story, sobriety, the past

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Comments 7

sanguinequill September 30 2007, 04:45:06 UTC
I... *hugs really super tight* This is why I know this band is great, beyond all the bullshit fans and fandom are people like you, who genuinely benefited from MCR. Never, ever apologize for anything dorky or fannish you may ever do. Every one of those photos you showed me and stories you told and every inch of your wall devoted to displaying what you love is a sign that things can and do get better. I don't think I ever realized what you went through, and I am so glad I do. Stories like yours, people as sweet and alive as you are, are the reason I know that this band isn't an unhealthy obsession of mine.
I love you Jennifer.


poorcopies September 30 2007, 20:05:39 UTC
This made me cry :( I am so glad they helped you find the strength to work through stuff.

I love that band, they didn't help me like they helped you but they brought some amazing people into my life and for that I am truly grateful.


futuremistakes October 1 2007, 12:34:49 UTC
i could tell you i love you a million times [which i do quite a lot anyway] but reading things like this makes me love you even more. and cry. YOU MADE ME CRY!

we've never gone into detail about your past but reading this, reading about what you've been through makes me so amazingly proud of you and makes me feel so lucky to have you as one of my best friends.

your Dad would be proud of you.

i love you <3


wertica_ October 6 2007, 15:43:38 UTC
*hugs tightly and never lets go*


vehement October 7 2007, 16:01:06 UTC
It's taken me a week to read this because I have been horribly busy with school and now I had time to sit down and read it all.

Jenn...I...I am so proud of you. I know MCR play a large part of this, but I am so proud of you. You know my situation and how I understand 95% of this but I extend a huge hug towards you. I love you and I understand completely and god this made me cry. :[


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