In hopes to get some funding together for making sure our first couple of rescued ex-battery hens will have a great & safe garden area to roam in, a comfortable home, loads of yummy food and enough supplements or vet-care at hand to get them through the those difficult early stages I am selling a few corsets. Nut House Hen Rescue & Re-homing Centre
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Comments 9
I've read about how a number of battery hens lose their feathers, and need extra protection against the cold. Some places suggest handknit chicken sweaters. If any of your birds need them, I would be more than happy to knit up a few and ship them over! =D
Let's see - I'm sure you'll want something machine-washable, and tightly knit so the birds don't get their toes caught. Anything else I should keep in mind?
I've got some acrylic, cotton, and maybe some machine-washable-wool around. Let me know if you've got a material preference - otherwise, I'll just do a bit of everything and see what works! =)
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