Nathan Barley fic: Birthday

May 25, 2011 17:31

Title: Birthday
Pairing: Jones/Dan/Jonatton
Summary: Set somewhere in my Memoria-verse. It's Dan's birthday. The three of them get drunk and have a threesome.
Word Count: 1,301
Rating: hard R/light NC-17
Warnings: None! It's not even as porn-y as it sounds, really.
Disclaimer: They're not mine, blah blah. I wish they were, yadda yadda.
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fic, nathan barley

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Comments 23

doctorpancakes May 26 2011, 01:20:26 UTC

That's the sound of me being DEAD FROM THE AWESOME. Oh man. By which I mean, a lesser man might have just been like HEY PORN HOTTTT without regard for the verisimilitude of the situation, but this. This. THIS just felt so true and sweet and left me a little sniffly because THIS is exactly how things would go down if your boys decided to go for a sexy three-way. It's sweet and messy and complicated and the best birthday present a birthday boy or girl could ask for. I fucking love you.


_emomuffin May 26 2011, 01:43:47 UTC
dkjfkgdhfg YAY! I'm SO GLAD you liked it!! <3 I was nervous, because it has been absolutely eons since I've written anything with Dan and Jonatton, and I've never written much with Jones at all, so I was hoping it'd all work.

I love that you get the layers of this <33 It was supposed to be straight up porn, but then it went a bit sad in the middle and I couldn't really see it any other way, because they all have too much complicated history for it ever to be just happy fun porn times. And I LOVE YOU AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKED YOUR PRESENT. <3


doctorpancakes May 26 2011, 05:09:53 UTC
You nervous? BUT YOU'RE SO GOOD!

It's funny how characters derail porny intentions, isn't it? I think my last three attempts at straight-up (gay) porn turned into like actually being about relationships and emotions. What the hell?

Also the fact that you understand this is part of what makes you so awesome. SO FLIPPING AWESOME, YOU ARE. I LOVE YOU.


_emomuffin May 26 2011, 05:26:36 UTC
I was SO nervous XD I edited this to death and was rewriting sentences up until the moment I posted it. I'm super critical of my own writing, and then I'm always a bit shocked when other people like it. ESPECIALLY EXCELLENT WRITERS LIKE YOURSELF. <3

Damn characters being all...detailed and three dimensional ;P



gina_r_snape May 26 2011, 03:05:10 UTC
Very sweet and sensual.


_emomuffin May 26 2011, 04:46:08 UTC


appleton840 May 26 2011, 16:04:24 UTC
this was perfect! The semi-failed threesome while still being hot and the understanding between Jonatton&Daniel about how their feelings have changed but they're still important to each other. There should be more threesomes in Nathan Barley fanfic. There can also NEVER be too much dan/jones porn. Wonderful job.


pitpony13 May 27 2011, 04:29:42 UTC
This could not be more perfect! The whole dynamic you've developed between the characters is phenomenal!


magicunicorn13 May 27 2011, 14:15:52 UTC
Good lordy and all things sparkly this is... elgygebigfdvugdwchitfbj. Your writing is incredible, just the way you use the senario and turn it into something so sweet and strangely beautiful is one thing I'd love to be able to do. I'm ill at the moment and was very bored all alone at home, but this was just the pick me up I needed so thank you xx


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