shaggydogstail. ♥ I'm sorry, I know you asked for James and Sirius (and not James/Sirius) and breaking noises, but James does like to play with the Black brothers, and so it's kind of Sirius/James, with mentions (of the porny variety) of James/Regulus. I'm thinking I need to castrate James before I'm allowed to write him again.
You shouldn’t let your mouth hang open like that, Padfoot )
Comments 30
No, honey, this is Sirius/James. And really damn hot to boot.
I was trying to pretend a little, as I don't think I've written anyone's prompts exactly how they asked! *fails*
But thank you! That makes me very happy, as I was scared of writing porn for the longest time! ♥
Sirius knows better than that: the world would surely weep for its loss!
But Sirius could have given it to Draco to use in his collection.
Oh, yes! I'm not sure that Draco would appreciate the Potter cock like it deserves, but I'm sure he could still have much fun with it. He could play puppet shows with all his severed cocks, couldn't he? I'll go away now.
And oh, thank you! I'm still quite scared, but I blame you entirely for James and his giant cock of persuasion. ♥ That probably deserves capitalisation, really.
However, James considers himself a fair man, and he thinks that he must see them together in order to make the most accurate comparison. So he makes a plan.
You will be writing this, yes? *tempts with cookies*
I'd like to say yes, but I think if I tried, it would be crack rather than the porn that threesome deserves! :)
Eee, you have got ever so dirty lately, do you know that? And how I love you for it. ♥
“He was a virgin, you know. Was. You wouldn’t believe how tight he was, Sirius. You should have heard the sounds he made when I first pushed inside him; God, you know I love those breaking noises.”
Also, James is a very, very naughty boy. He should be punished. And I don't think Sirius should stand for people talking about his little brother like that. You can see where this is going, can't you?
Yes, Sirius ought to give James a good spanking. And make sure he's too tired to do anything so disgusting with pretty little Slytherin boys for a very long time.
James should be punished, shouldn't he? And yes, I quite agree that Sirius should be the one to do it! He can't be letting James going around talking like that. He should probably spank Regulus too, whilst he's at it.
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