As of some time ago, this journal has gone
Friends Only
with few exceptions, for a variety of reasons.
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Comments 21
"Thank you for being a friend......." Now I was considering subjecting you to my singing of it with an audio post, but I would like to stay your friend. :}
Per the piece, yes, that place was so cool, so just what Ann Arbor needed. For me, its loss was more than the loss of a great scene and possibility for local music, but a whole awakening to what might really be the truth about art in Ann Arbor. I wouldn't say I'm completely bitter and jaded, but let's just say that my expectations have changed over the years, and that I have aaio on my flist. ;)
Thanks very much again! (...and if you feel so inclined, I'd love any other feedback you've got on anything over there, either via LJ or pm.) Seeya soon! :)
There could be a million reasons besides thinking you stink that people don't give you feedback on your writing-- from being really busy, to feeling like they don't know what to say.
Not having gone back to look at the piece again today, my general impression is that the Lonely Hearts thing was well written, but first person reporting isn't usually used in newspapers (Rolling Stone-- yes; daily newspaper-- no) unless it's on the opinion page, and the piece was a little longer than most editors want to use for opinion pieces.
True... I know I shouldn't worry so much. I should probably just write what I want, blog it, publish the stuff I'm prouder of online, and let it be what it will be. If I ever see the chance to pursue something more "pro"-oriented, I'll worry about more critiqueing then. :)
my general impression is that the Lonely Hearts thing...
Thanks for this... good feedback. I kind of expected the piece was long for the opinion section, but I even noted that upon submission and told her I'd be more than happy to consider editing. What was far more intriguing to me was how she went from friendly and responsive to steadfastly silent once I sent it in. As above, there could be lots of reasons for that, but I can't rule out political nerve-touching as a viable theory. :)
Thanks again for reading it!
I've enjoyed the conversations of late. I'm sure we wont sync on everything, philosophy-wise, but I'm happy to say that I believe our philosophies are such that we don't necessarily need to. :)
Thanks again.
I've found out your music thanks to the LJ of diosbios, and I loved the song she linked (50 Years Drunk At Sea). I listened to it on-line several times. Then, I decided to buy your CD on I-tunes.
Your music touched me, really. I think you've a musical talent, really. The music of yours isn't the kind of music I usually buy on Itunes, indeed usually I didn't buy on Itunes. But I made an exception for you, 'cause I felt that I had to listen to you not only on-line, and that I had to have your CD, also.
PS: The comment has been written by my friend. I'm italian, and I don't speak english. My english suck, really.
Molto molto grazie per il suo comment, e per il supporto! È raro e molto incoraggiante quando qualcuno ci da riscontro positivo così... e il suo comment è meraviglioso!
Sono specialmente felice che la musica ti commuove nonostante il fatto che non è il tipo di musica che ti solitamente piace... di nuovo, ti ringrazio molto.
Se posso aiutarti con qualcosa d'altro, mi chiedi per favore!
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