
Feb 25, 2006 17:33

The question is: is it possible to be better than anyone else. My stance: No. And here's why:

In order to be better than someone at something, there has to be an inherant goal. Example: you're a better hockey player than your teamates if you score more goals than them. In hockey there's an implied goal that everyone is trying to achieve and so you're better than the other players if you score more goals than them.

However, life, being the meaningless thing that it is, doesn't have an inherant goal that all persons are trying to reach. We're not all competing for trophies.

So, therefore, it's impossible to be a better person than anyone else.

This is sort of in response to i_am_pellucid's semi recent post about being better than people. I commented with a much shortened version of what I wrote here, so this is sort of me explaining myself.
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