I think I'm ready to like really talk about Eclipse. So here it is, my spoiler filled review thingy. This will be bulleted talking posts since it's all still dancing around in my head in such a way that an actual essay type review is not really feasible.
Eclipse based random musings and babble inducing talking points )
Comments 27
I had problems with the first 100, or so, pages of the book. I was really starting to worry that the book was gonna suck. I should have had more faith in Stephenie. The last third of the book was amazing.
And that kiss, you know the one when he hitches her leg on his hip - *falls over dead*.
HELL YES! Edward is so restrained usually. I think I may have gasped. Bold move, Cullen! ;-D
I never really liked Jacob, until this book. I really felt for him and for the first time, found him downright sexy. But yes, I'm an Edward girl through and through.
The campfire Indian stories - *snore*.
I actually fell asleep reading that part. LOL Snore indeed. To be fair, it was really late, but still...
I agree on you about Jacob as well. I just wanted to lick him - although he can't touch my Edward obsession, I wouldn't kick him out of the sleeping bag either.
Those campfire tales were barely even read the first time by me. That whole chapter has been skipped on subsequent readings. I was just barely more interested in Jaspers story to tell you the truth, but at least I knew that was actually somewhat important so I tried a bit harder - plus, who doesn't love Jasper?
haha i totally agree with you on the campire Indian stories
my goodness i freaking died of boredom when i read that! I thought i was the only one who was gonna fall asleep. I even kept flipping the pages, checking to see when Billy would stop talking. And then Quil's grandfather continued and i thought "...-.-" but the 2nd story about that wife was okay i guess
haha it's funny i used to not like Jacob at all, and then i re-read New Moon before i started Eclipse and i thought he was really adorable and then i read Eclipse and...i felt bad for him, and i really hope he imprints someone cause....he just needs someone else.
The book was amazing, i've never felt so stressed out on a book.
Hah, whoops i only wanted to type about the indian camp fire story thing, sorry i got carried away, hehe..
But yeah, I have definitely had quite enough of the triangle. I'm all triangled out. Honestly, I kinda hope Jacob is gone during BD out finding his imprinting chick. Because BD is supposed to wrap up Bella and Edwards story 'with a bow' as Stephenie Meyer has said, and honestly Jacob's place in that story has kinda been defined now. He's not in it. To drag it on would belittle the leaps made in this book.
I totally feel you on the Bella issues. I have them myself. The channeling of her inner Cathy has me wanting to smack her. But I can't give up on Bella/Edward, because it's what Edward wants. And what Edward wants is what I want. *sigh* Alas, I am a fictional characters bitch! *sigh*
I will second anyone, anyday on that one point!!!
Though the B/E was PERFECT!! I'm getting annoyed with people who keep jumping up and down and screaming that they want the Twi B/E relationship back x_x I quite liked them in Eclipse, they matured and the whole intimacy on a mental and physical level was brilliant too; in twilight they were so distant and just sort of getting used to the idea of themselves, i loved how they were so comfortable with each other in Eclipse!
Exactly! That is driving me crazy as well. Plus, you can't capture back that newness of first love. You can only grow - and honestly, the way they have grown has been perfect given everything they have dealt with.
I totally and completely agree with you. ♥
So good to see that the book affected you as much as it affected me. I'm still blown away and I've now finished my 4th reading. I'm thinking I'm going to start over from the beginning with Twilight tonight and go straight threw.
Plus, even after all of the wonderful Edwardness in Eclipse, I still can't seem to get enough! ')
i've only read it 3 though,
cause the first time, it took me one night, cause i stayed up till like 5 am, and started at like 7 pm.
then the second, it took me like...3 days or something like that.
and now, im reading it again, but really slowly so i can catch more detail.
Also, I cannot stop thinking about it,
no matter what i think about,
my thoughts drift back to Eclipse/Twilight/ New Moon.
I may be going mad!
honestly, like you said, it has affected me so much more then I could have imagined any book ever affecting someone. I'm really happy that it has the same effect on me that harrypotter does, being the HUGE Potter nerd that I am, to me, now that harrys done, Twilight has proven that other books are just as good, which is really really amazinggg :D
but, once again, I may be insane, but right now, i'll take the insanity.. as long as Edward Cullen is there, too...
But Edward makes everything right in the world. *sigh* I never thought I would be this easy to placate, but I was totally wrong. He owns me.
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