Title: Man vs. Machine
Fandom: Medium
Characters: Joe/Allison
Disclaimer: Not my players, just my playground.
Rated: PG
Spoilers: none.
Summary: This is what men do.
Notes: I’m sort of stuck on another longer piece, so I wrote this to get the creative juices flowing. It’s pure fluff (a rarity for me), so enjoy this brief foray into silliness. It probably won’t last.
“Are you okay down there, Joe?” Allison hopped down from her perch on the counter. She cocked an eyebrow curiously at her husband who was chest deep inside the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink. He’d been under there for over an hour futilely attempting to fix the garbage disposal. “I think we need a professional.”
“Honey, this is what we husbands...no, what we men do!” he replied emphatically. “We beat our chests, we get greasy, we fix things. It’s encoded into our DNA at birth.”
“I see.” Allison leaned against the counter and waited for the frustrated curses she knew were coming. The clanking of tools subsided after a few moments, and she was slightly taken aback when Joe gave her the thumbs up sign.
“Give it a shot, Al”
The switch was right behind her, so she twisted around and flicked it, turning the faucet on deftly with the other hand. Water shot out from under the sink - soaking Joe and the floor beneath him.
“Shut it off, shut it off!” He yelled, his arms flailing in an attempt to shield himself from the onslaught of water.
Allison slapped a hand over her mouth in an effort to quell her laughter, but the sight of her husband looking like a drowned rat was just to much for her to bear.
“Garbage disposal - one. Joe - zero.”