"I Kick major ass and I've got 7 years of school newpaper writing and editing udner my belt- and I'm without any mother major literary committments right now- and I'm so unpretensious it's absolutely pretensious."
Ya know, I'm not busy enough as it is. I'll totally help out with anything you see fit. Am editing guru for things that aren't stuff I actually write, you see. ;)
Should you need another edity type, I have chops; one year on staff of the high school newspaper, one year as editor-in-chief. Not why I'm commenting, though. Writing in to offer my services as a back-end designer. Can develop in both PHP/MySQL and .NET/SQL Server.
I'm interested. That sounds cool. I'll write - fiction, humor, editoral or whatever you need. No formal editing experience, but I've done some beta reading, and I like it.
Comments 9
I so want in if you'll have me.
Do you need a resume? I can make a reusme!
"I Kick major ass and I've got 7 years of school newpaper writing and editing udner my belt- and I'm without any mother major literary committments right now- and I'm so unpretensious it's absolutely pretensious."
Pick me! Pick me! *flaps arms wildly*
Seriously, this sounds like exactly the type of thing I'd love to work on. I can edit, write...hee, I can submit a resume too!
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