Title: Asphyxiation
niededFandom, Pairing: House MD, Wilson-centric (slight House/Wilson if you put your 3D glasses on backwards)
Rating: R for language
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from House, MD.
Author's Notes: Thanks to
sushi_denim for listening to be go on and on and on for this story. Thank you Clay Aiken for inspiring me to write a mer!
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I'm sorry I didn't respond to this sooner! I was just zooming through some of my older stuff when I came across your response. Thank you so much! Your sonnet is wonderful. I've always sucked at writing metric poetry, and I love these lines:
The quiet, gentle ebb and flow of tides
And salt-sea like a blanket round his skin-
Intoxicating secret, one he hides
For he can’t bear to have his friend look in.
I'm really flattered. Thank you.
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