Oct 30, 2006 09:04
I hate irony
I've been trying to dress more like I did when I was 5
I brushed the knots out of hair today.
I sat in a chair in my kitchen because it felt like someone was hugging me.
I was a zebra for two days this weekend.
I fixed 6 skeletons. I'm getting really good at rolling joints.
Oct 15, 2006 15:58
Benson hall, my new home base I guess.
The screenprinting studio is so hot, boiling, and so white.
Last night I saw Shortbus, the new John Cameron Mitchell flick.
I give it an A.
Last night there was a show at redrum
Dan Deacon, Cex, Buttstomach OCDJ. Good, really good, really sweaty, so good.
Oct 14, 2006 12:45
I'm alive.
goal today:
buy acetate and draw on it.
make things.
deposit shit into bank.
clean my room.
buy new alarm clock.
Oct 04, 2006 19:24
this weekend
Full moon
Brigid visit
Omni party
Pillow fight
Lightning bolt
White Mice
Acid tab
really crazy.
Sep 01, 2006 11:14
Going to BK today, and philly tomorrow, I'll be back in providence in tuesday?
Aug 30, 2006 19:23