Holy eff, new fic.

Oct 19, 2005 16:52

Huzzah for inspiration! :D

Finally, a new fic. Randomly came to me today. I didn't get to proofread after I typed it out, so there are probably spelling and grammar error abound... Enjoy.

Title: Ghost of You (I'm sorry if this title is already in use by somebody else, but it's the only song title that fits :/ )
Rating: Unknown
Pairing: Vam

It's been one whole year already.

One goddamn year. Seems like a fucking eternity to me.

How could I have let this happen? I knew you weren't the greatest of drivers. I knew you'd been drinking that night. Yet I let you drive back by yourself. What the fuck was I thinking?

Bam could feel hot tears welling up in his eyes again, but he would not let them fall. Not anymore.

The date on the calender was November 21st.
One day before Ville's birthday would have been.
One day before Bam would have asked Ville to marry him.

He stared longingly at a photograph of his late lover, wishing that he were still alive. No, not wishing - needing.

There was a quiet rap at his bedroom door, but he ignored it.

"Bam?" The door opened slowly and his mother poked her head inside cautiously. "Are you okay? You've been in your room all day, and you haven't eaten anything. It isn't healthy." April looked around the nearly pitch black room. "At least turn the lights on. You're sitting in here like a vampire, for Christ's sake..." She reached for the lightswitch.

"...No," Bam snapped. "Ville... Ville loved the dark... He would've liked it this way..."

April lowered her hand reluctantly. "Are you sure I can't do anything for you?"

"I just want to be alone..."

April sighed. "Alright. But if you need anything, I'll be in the kitchen." She then shut the door and let Bam to be by himself.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Bam retrieved his photo of Ville from its hiding place in his shirt pocket. Nobody could know how much Bam needed him. Nobody could ever find out how much Bam had wanted to be more than just friends with the man who was the object of his unsurpassed worship. It wasn't just respect or admiration. It wasn't just hero-worship or idolization.

It was love.

Bam absently traced the black heart on his wrist. It - and the heartagram branded on his lower belly - would forever be symbols of his undying devotion to his deseased lover. It was when he got these tattoos, he remembered, that he decided that he would never love another human being for the rest of his life. It had been a promise to Ville, and he was determined to keep it.


I promise I'm going somewhere with this. Please bear with me for the time being.

And I apologize for not updating Random Vam Fic. I just can't think of anything for it...

Feedback is what keeps me alive <3

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