Chapter Six

Jul 15, 2005 12:50

Hello Sweethearts! Chapter six is now here. Enjoy!

Title: Heartache Every Moment
Pairing: Vam ;)
Rating: Currently: R for some sexual content.
Disclaimer: Don't know, Don't Own, This never happened

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

~Chapter Six~
Ville woke with a smile on his face and sighed lightly as he stretched and opened his eyes to the morning. He was still in shock from the previous night's events. He couldn't believe it. Bam was in love with him. Just thinking about it was enough to fill him stomach with butterflies, he felt so very lucky. He stretched again and rolled over, reaching out an arm to wrap around his gorgeous lover.

"Last night was amazing, sweethea...”

His heart suddenly sank...hard. The bed next to him was completely empty. He sat up and stared at the spot where Bam had been. Nothing but cold sheets and a faint impression of where he had slept. Ville could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. How could he have let this happen again? Why did he fall for Bam's lies? His heart ached so badly and he felt sick to his stomach. He felt so stupid. The tears were really coming now, rolling down his cheeks and dripping onto the bed where Bam's scent still lingered. He put a hand to his face, covering his eyes, and sobbed silently. He felt so alone and what he really needed was a good drink.

"Why am I such a fucking idiot?" He asked himself out loud.

"You're not an idiot and why are you crying??" Ville's back was facing the door and so he didn't see Bam as he entered the bedroom. Ville froze for a second and then swung around to see Bam standing just inside the doorway, still in his boxers, with a coffee cup in each hand and a sweet look of concern on his face. Ville's expression changed immediately. His mouth formed a huge smile that stretched across his entire face. This was an odd sight as his cheeks were still wet with tears and his eyes red from crying. He was so relieved. Bam, however, was incredibly confused.

"You okay Vil?" Bam questioned as he set the coffee down and climbed back into the bed. "You're kinda freakin' me out here."
"I'm wonderful." Ville replied wrapping his arms around Bam and cuddling to his chest.
"Then why the tears hmm?" Bam questioned again, kissing the top of Ville's head and returning his embrace.
"I thought you had left..."
"Now, why would I do something like that?"
"Well, I dunno. I just...when I woke up you weren't here and so I know...that you changed your mind again and decided to go." Ville blushed, slightly embarrassed for having jumped to conclusions.
"What?! And leave my unbelievably sexy, incredibly sweet and, apparently, highly sensitive lover behind? Never!" Bam flashed a very sexy smile and poked Ville in the side. "Crazy Finnish man!"
Ville laughed at this and hugged Bam even tighter. Bam pulled him back to look into those amazing green eyes. Oh, how he loved those eyes. He put his hand under Ville's chin to keep his gaze. Bam was no longer smiling. He looked at Ville very seriously.
"I love you, Ville. I told you that. I'm not going anywhere." He placed a light kiss on Ville's lips. "I'll never hurt you again. I promise."
They kissed deeply for a few moments, savoring the absolute bliss that a simple kiss can bring when shared with the right person.

"Now, I need a shower. I've got alot to do today." Bam proclaimed after their lips parted.
"Awww....come on darling, can't you stay in bed just a bit longer?" Ville whined, giving the most disheartening pout.
"No. And don't give me that look. I have to get in the shower."
"No. I'm getting in the're more than welcome to join me though." Bam grinned and gave him a quick wink before turning around and sauntering toward the bathroom. Ville watched him walk away for a few seconds before throwing the covers off and jumping out of bed, bounding after him.


Bam was beaming when he walked through the front door of his house. All the usuals were there: Dunn, Raab, Rake, DiCo and all the rest of the "crew" and of course Ape and Phil. Ape was the first to take note of his light mood.
"What's gotten into you Bam?"
"What are you taking about?"
"Well, you're sure in a good mood. Its just such a change from you attitude recently."
"I'm just in a good mood today, Ape. Can't I just be in a good mood?"
"He didn't come home last night, Ape. We all know what that means..." Ryan broke in, a broad smile across his face as he nodded at April.
She just rolled her eyes at him and left the room. Ryan was now looking at Bam, still grinning.
"So....who is she?"
"What? No one. What are you talking about, Dunn?"
"C'mon Bam. I know what you were out doing all night."
"Dunn, there was no one. no one alright?" He was starting to get annoyed.
"Baaaammm. C'mon. C'mon."
"Jesus, Dunn. Shut the fuck up already!" Bam shouted and left for his room.
"What crawled up your ass?" Ryan called after him, receiving no response.

Bam flung himself onto his bed. He was gone for one night and people are already asking questions? They weren't specific questions or anything, but they were questions none the less. He lay there staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out what he was going to do. Bam wanted to be with Ville. He loved him. He just didn't know what he was going to tell people. How could he keep this a secret? He couldn't tell everyone, he just couldn't. He played it out in his head over and over. He couldn't come up with any scenario in which telling people worked out to be a good idea. So, he decided they would have to keep it a secret, if at all possible. Now, he just had to explain this to Ville.

"...but, Bam, I want to tell everyone about us. I'm proud to be with you." Ville was shocked and a bit hurt that Bam wanted to keep their relationship from their friends and family. He was so in love with Bam and he couldn't think of a better way to celebrate that love than to share it with the people that cared about them. He couldn't understand why Bam didn't feel the same.
"Ville, its not that I'm not proud to be with you...I just...I don't know how they're gonna react and I just think it would be best if we don't tell them." He took Ville's hand and interlaced their fingers. He felt bad because he knew Ville was disappointed.
"Who cares how they react Bam? I don't care what anyone thinks of it. If they don't care enough to support us in something that makes us both so happy, then why should we give a fuck?" He was getting frustrated and he pulled his hand away from Bam's, turning his face to look at something else.
Bam sighed and wrapped his arms around Ville who was still looking away. He tried to kiss Ville on the cheek, but it was pulled away from him. Bam sighed again and stared at the floor for a moment.
"Okay, Ville, if it really means that much to you...I'll tell them. But, it has to be on my own time okay? I need some time to figure it out." He immediately regretted saying it. Why did he agree to tell everyone? He didn't really want to. He didn't want to hurt Ville either though. Ville turned his face back to Bam and kissed him sweetly on the lips.
"I love you, Bam." He looked deep into Bam's eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. It'll be okay, I promise. If they really care about you, it won't make a difference at all." He ran his fingers through Bam's hair and smiled at him so very lovingly. Bam closed his eyes, loving Ville's touch and gave him a weak smile.
"I hope you're right Ville."

Thanks for reading!! Muah! <3

A/N: I've been getting a new chapter up just about every day or at least every other day recently. However, starting in a couple of days, I'll probably only be able to get one a week up. At least until the beginning of next month. I do this from work and I um...actually need to get some work done. lol. I usually do what I want for the first half of the month and then get all my work done the second half of the month because our work is on a monthly basis. I just kinda work on my own schedule...not that I'm supposed to...but oh well. Okay, enough with the crap I'm sure you don't care about. XD
Also, just an FYI, Bam lives in the same house with all the same people. I just kinda relocated it to LA for the story's convenience.
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