Chapter 4 is up and adam!

Jun 22, 2005 17:57

Okay, sorry it's been so long since my last update on this story, but there's an upside to it! It's the longest chappie yet and there's no sign of the story stopping progress! YAY!

Title: Dreams of Torment
Pairing: Vam (duh)
Disclaimer: I wish with all of my heart, but sadly...I don't own Ville, Bam, Dunn or any of the other people of 'the crew'...but I do own a few characters that will pop-up later in the stroy...not to give anything away or anything...
Summary: This was supposed to be a normal visit to Castle Bam, but it turned out to be so much more. Will Ville be able to cope with new revalations set before him or will this all end up a bad, bad dream? (sorry, I suck at summaries).
a/n: Sorry it took so long my loves! I'm also putting up the previous three chapters on this for those of you who might be interested in it...:)

Ville drove into an oh, so, familiar driveway and parked his rental car. He stepped out of the new vehicle, whistling and twirling the keys on his finger. The sun was barely creeping over the treeline and Ville grined as he made his way to the front door of the house, finding it unlocked as usual. The whole house was quiet, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but something caused the hair on the back of the singer's neck to stand on end. Something wasn't right. He walked in through the kitchen, throwing his keys on the counter, but not bothering to take off his jacket. He ran up the stairs and straight to an all too familiar door, cracked open just wide enough for him to peek in. Ville opened it a few inches more and stepped into the darkness, his green eyes adjusting slowly to the absence of light. He could only see one person asleep in the bed and it was most certainly not the one he was looking for. His dark brows knitted together in worry.

"Where the hell are you?" he muttered as he left the doorway.

The singer proceeded to walk down the hallways of the upstairs, checking every room, but to no avail. By now, Ville was starting to freak himself out.

"Maybe he's just not here right now, went out or something," he stated under his breath, trying to calm his own mind from worrying.

That, however, he knew not to be the truth. It wasn't possible for the person he was looking for to wake up on his own at this hour in the morning. Something was definitely up and Ville wanted to be the one to find out what that something was. He quickly headed back downstairs and then into the bar, searching everywhere he could think to search. After doing this, he rushed back in through the kitchen, grabbing his keys on the way out the door. He walked briskly over to the driver's door of the vehicle and opened it. He was about to climb in when he paused and directed his gaze to the garage.

"I wonder," he muttered.

The singer made his way quickly to the garage's side door and reached for the knob, only to find the door was already partly open. For some reason, his feet felt like lead and his heart was beating rapidly. As he made his way into the darkness, he searched for anything. There, a light-switch. As soon as the lights flipped on, Ville immediately wished they hadn't.
The singer made his way quickly to the garage's side door and reached for the knob, only to find the door was already partly open. For some reason, his feet felt like lead and his heart was beating rapidly. As he made his way into the darkness, he searched for anything. There, a light-switch. As soon as the lights flipped on, Ville immediately wished they hadn't.

"Oh my God!" he yelled, rushing forward to the back of the garage.

The person he had come to see, one of his best and most trusted friends, was hanging lifelessly from the garage ceiling. He flipped out his pocket knife from his jacket pocket and wrapped his free arm around his friend's legs, supporting his dead weight on his shoulder. Ville somehow managed to cut his friend free and was knocked to the ground as the lifeless body fell. He was immediately up and had rolled his friend to his back.

"Bam," he muttered frantically, "Bam, oh, my God Bam, what in the hell did you do?" he questioned chokingly.

His eyes darted around as he tried to calm himself down enough to figure out what he had to do. There were no phones in the garage and the singer couldn't remember the correct way to administor CPR.

"Damn!" he cursed, half screaming.

He couldn't leave Bam alone, not like this. Then, a thought came to him. He jumped up and opened the passenger's door to Bam's Hummer and crawled over the seat, pressing his hand firmly down on the horn. It blared loudly, echoing through the enclosed space fo the garage, hurting his ears. He hit it with the same force five more times, hoping someone in the house would hear. He half-crawled, half-fell back out of the Hummer and scooted back to Bam's side. He wasn't breathing.

"Think Valo, think damn it," he cursed.

Suddenly, the singer recalled something he had seen on the television once. He looked to Bam, made a tight, white-knuckled fist and with teary eyes, Ville started to slam his clenched fist onto Bam's chest forcefully.

"Come on Brandon," he muttered, tears streaming down his cheeks, "you're no quitter, don't do this."

The door to the garage door burst open and Ryan stood, shocked in the door-way, "What in the hell?" he questioned, disbelieving what he was seeing, "what in the hell happened Vil'?" he added.

Ville didn't look up, but kept pounding on Bam's chest, afraid that if he stopped his friend would surely die, "Do you have your cell with you Ryan?" he questioned in a forcefully calm tone.

Dunn had already taken out the mobile phone before Ville had even addressed him, "Was on it before you spoke Vil'."

Again, someone came through the garage door. It was Jenn, Bam's girlfriend, "Oh my God!" she screamed, making to run for Bam, but Ryan held her back with one arm.

"Let Ville be, give him room," he said, clicking his phone shut, "I've got to go outside, can't get any fucking reception in here," he cursed angrily, walking out the garage door only to be replaced by two more people.

"Ville!" April shouted in horror, "what happened? what did he do?!" she half-screamed, looking to Bam's still lifeless form and to Ville as he refused to give up slamming his fist onto his chest.

Ville didn't look up, but instead kept at what he was doing, there was no way anything would be able to distract him. He had to keep trying. The other person that had come in with April was Jess. He stood, with no shirt on, staring in disbelief. It seemed like an eternity before Ryan came back inside the now crowded garage.

"The paramedics are on their way out, has he started breathing yet?" he asked in a shaky voice as if he were out of breath.

April shook her head slowly, tears welling up behind her eyes, "Why would he do something like this?" she muttered to herself.

Jess put a hand on each of his mother's shoulders, "Take it easy mom, he'll be alright, he has to be alright," he stated in a tone that was as calm as he could make it.

Ville slammed down on Bam's chest one last time and Bam's eyes shot open as he took in a deep, ragged breath. Ville jumped back in surprise and tears fell freely from his eyes and onto the ground. Bam looked around wide-eyed and then lay his head back on the ground as he attempted to catch his breath. April, Jess and Ryan rushed over and immediately embraced Bam.

"I thought we'd lost you man," Jess stated chokingly.

April didn't say anything, she just held onto her son as if she'd never let him go. Ville was on his knees, wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his jacket, "We should give him room," the singer stated quietly.

The group nodded and let Bam go reluctantly. Soon, the sound of sirens were blaring and the paramedics hurriedly got out of the ambulance only to be greeted by the rest of the dazed household as they made their way outside.

Phil looked around, disoriented, "What's going on?" he asked one of the paramedics who was carrying a black bag.

"We got a call about an attempted suicide," the medic answered, looking to Ryan as he came out of the garage, red-eyed.

"A what?" Phil questioned, acting as if he hadn't heard a word of what the medic had just told him.

"He's in the garage guys, he's breathing," Ryan said, interrupting Phil's question.

The paramedics nodded and walked quickly to the garage door and into the building.

"What's goin' on Dunn?" DiCo asked with a yawn.

Ryan turned to Phil, "Bam, uhh, you'd better come and see this Phil."

Ryan turned on his heel and headed back to the garage, followed by Phil, DiCo and Johnny. As the group re-entered the now lighted garage, quiet sobbing could be heard.

"What happened?" Phil asked as he watched the medics huddle over the still, now breathing form of Bam.

Ville stood up and shakily and walked over to Phil, "H-He tried to hang himself Phil, but he'll be okay now," the singer stammered.

Phil had a distraught look on his face, "Has anyone found out why? has he told anyone?" he questioned, glancing around to everyone in the room.

Ville shoook his head solemnly, "No."

"Dude, Ry, why wouldn't he tell us he was depressed or something?" Johnny questioned, DiCo nodding in agreement.

April stood up and wiped her eyes, "Are you going to take him to the hospital?" she asked, looking to the medic that was taking Bam's vitals.

The man stood up and nodded, taking the stethoscope that was around his neck off as he did so, "Yes, he's your son I'm assuming?" he asked.

April nodded and looked to Phil who walked over to stand next to his wife.

The medic continued, "His vitals are stable, but he's falling in and out of conciousness, we'll be leaving for the hospital shortly, now, if you'll excuse me," he added as he brushed past April and headed outside to the ambulance.

Jenn couldn't stop whimpering, so Jess was trying to comfort her, "It'll be all right Jenn, he'll be all right," he whispered, embracing her.

Ville glanced at Bam once more, took a deep breath and then made his way outside. He looked to the medic, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The medic nodded, "Yeah, as a matter of fact, could you help me unload this stretcher?" he questioned as he opened the back of the ambulance.

The singer nodded, "Sure."

"The name's Paul by the way," the medic stated, trying to be friendly.

Ville gave a false smile and waited for Paul to move the stretcher out so that he could take a hold fo the other end. Soon, the two carried the stretcher back through the garage door and Paul turned to the other paramedic, "All right Sam, we're ready to load him," he stated as he and Ville set the stretcher down beside Bam.

"I'll go start the car mom," Jess said looking to April. April looked up to Jess. It was definitely a serious moment if her own son called her 'mom'. She then looked to her other son who was laying very still on the ground of the garage.

"I'll go with him Ape," Johnny and DiCo stated simultaneously, each taking a quick glance at the other, but this was no time for small talk and joking.

Ville stood up and watched as Bam was carefully moved onto the stretcher, "Jenn," he began, "if you want to come with me you are more than welcome to."

Jenn nodded solemnly, "I will." She looked up once more to the man she was more than accustomed to seeing at this house and smiled slightly, "You have no idea how much we all owe you Ville."

April took this chance to walk slowly over to Ville and bring him into a tight, almost suffocating embrace. "You saved my Brandon's life Ville, I don't think I'm going to be able to repay you," she whispered.

Ville hugged the woman he had come to know as a second mother and rocked her gently in his embrace. "I had to save him April, just knowing he's alive is more than payment enough." With that he drew back and placed a kiss on her forehead. He wiped the tears from under her eyes and gave her a warm smile, "Everything's going to be all right, I promise."

April took his hand and kissed it, "I know."

The group moved aside as the medics brought Bam past on the stretcher and then out the door.

"Ry, you ride with Jenn and I too okay?" Ville asked.

Ryan nodded and the group of four made their way outside. April walked off towards Phil and Jess and got into the front seat of the Cruiser. Johnny, Jess and DiCo squeezed into the entirely way too small back-seat and then Phil himself got in. Johnny told them that he would've provided his own vehicle, but had misplaced his keys the night before. This being only one of the reasons he had stayed at the Margera house-hold that night. The other being that he was totally wasted and April wouldn't allow him to leave the Margera house-hold. It was definitely a good thing that Ville had decided on getting a license before coming to the states.

"I think you should sit in the front seat Jenn," Dunn stated as they neared Ville's car.
Ville looked to Jenn and then opened his car door, un-locking the rest of them as he got in. He had nothing against Jenn. She was sweet and was most definitely a smart young woman. However, he didn't think she was right for Bam in any way shape or form. She was so conventional and Bam was so, well, not. He was surprised they were lasting as long as they were. After everyone was seated and belted in, Ville started the car and shifted it into gear. As the ambulance made it's way out the drive-way, Phil followed it with the Cruiser and Ville followed them. It was going to be a long, silent drive to the hospital.
It felt as though an eternity passed before they reached the hospital.As soon as they arrived a the main entrance, Bam was rushed into an awaitng room. Doctors and nurses crowded around him, starting IVs and monitoring his vitals. Everyone was told to wait in the waiting room until the doctor returned with an update on how Bam was fairing.

DiCo turned to Jess, who was still shirtless, "Dude, isn't there like a 'no-shirt' policy here or something?" he asked.

Jess grumbled and turned around to head outside to fetch a shirt that he'd thrown in the trunk of the Cruiser. Ville stopped him by resting his hand on his shoulder. Without saying a word, the singer took off his jacket and handed it to Jess.

Jess nodded, "Thanks Vil'."

Ville sighed and plopped himself in one of the over-stuffed chairs in the waiting room. He rubbed his eyes with his right hand and yawned. He rested his forehead in his hand and then was still. Ryan moved from where he was standing and sat in the chair closest to him. He glanced over to Ville and cleared his throat.

"You must be bushed Vil', you can try and get some sleep, I'll wake you up if the doctor comes back out," he stated quietly.

Ville shook his head and looked up, "No, it's all right Dunn, I'm fine."

Ryan shrugged, "If you're sure dude."

Ville nodded and then he turned to look out the nearest window. Before he even realized it his eyes were slowly closing. His head nodded forward a bit and he was out. Ville was soon awakened by someone shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes slowly and was greeted by Dunn looking at him with a wry grin spread across his face.

"Not tired, huh?" he asked sarcastically.

"Shove off Dunn," Ville stated bitterly, "how long was I out?" he asked, standing up and stretching.

"About an hour, tops," Ryan said, reassuring Ville he hadn't missed anything too important.

Ville scratched his head and then took off his worn, black beanie. He ran his fingers through his mussed up locks and then replaced the beanie back onto his head.

"Bam's up, well, he was, think he's asleep again," Dunn added as they started off to Bam's room.

Ville's throat constricted as the thought of Bam laying motionless on the ground ran through his mind. "He's going to be all right though?" he asked, shakily.

Ryan nodded and turned to look over his shoulder, "Besides his overly sore neck, yeah, he'll be fine in the long run." "Thanks to you Vil'."

Ville followed Dunn in silence and was surprised to see that only April and Jenn remained. Jenn walked over to Ville and gave him a small, stressed-out smile.

"Everyone else headed home awhile ago, they were all dead on their feet, stressed out you know?" she stated, putting her hand gently on Ville's shoulder, "And what about you Ville, how are you?" she questioned sincerely.

Ville covered his mouth and yawned, "I'm fine, a little tired, but otherwise fine."

April looked to Ville, "You can head back to the house whenever you feel like it, we're going to leave here pretty soon, but we're coming back later." "Once Doctor Ferris calls we have to come back here to go over some options."

Ville understood what 'options' meant. Bam would probably have to go through some type of therapy or something, but the singer didn't pry when April stated this. She was arleady overly-stressed to begin with.

"If you want to, take my car, April, Jenn, Ry, seeming that your car is back at home," Ville stated, nodding in each of their directions respectively.

Jenn shook her head, "No, we couldn't do-"

"I insist, it'll be fine, I promise," Ville stated, interrupting Jenn's move to deny his offer. "I'll find a way to take a cab or something."

Ryan spoke up, "You and Jenn take Ville's car, he and I will take a cab," he said, looking to April.

April was the one who made the final decision. She looked to Jenn, "All right, if you both insist, I'm ready to go."

She walked over to Ryan and brought him into a tight hug and then walked over to Ville. She hugged him and then looked up, clasping her hand on each side of his face. Tear threatened to spill form her eyes, but she held them back defensively. "See you soon Ville," she stated quietly and then walked past him.

Ville processed April's actions and then looked to Jenn. She smiled and Ville handed her his keys as she followed April out of the hospital.

"You know," Ville began, turning to Dunn, "you could've gone with them."

Ryan grinned broadly, "Yeah, and leave you to get mugged? I think not Vil'," he stated sarcastically. "If you hadn't noticed, you have quite a few fans here in good ol' Chester County."

Ville smiled slightly and then turned his attention to Bam's open room door.

"You're allowed in there you know," Dunn said as he caught the singer staring into the room, "I'll be in the waiting room."

Ville nodded and then stuck his hands in his jean pockets. Ryan walked off and Ville was left alone to head into Bam's silent room. The room was dark and cold. Ville shivered inwardly as hospitals, no matter how clean and warm, gave him the creeps. They were almost too clean and cheery at times. Hospitals were built for one, soul purpose. To keep the sick and dying away from the healthy. Bam's bed was the one in the back of the room nearest to the sunless window. The singer cleared his throat and quietly pulled a chair next to the bed. Bam didn't stir, but Ville remained silent as he watched his friend sleep. He sat back in the chair and tried to keep his mind pre-occupied by fidgeting with his stray bangs. He took off the black beanie once more and raked his fingers through his black hair. The room was deathly quiet and set a somber mood. It hit Ville then just how close Bam had come to dying. How close he had come to watching one of the people he cared most about leaving his sight forever. Tears started to well up in his eyes and Ville cursed himself.

He took off the black beanie once more and raked his fingers through his black hair. The room was deathly quiet and set a somber mood. It hit Ville then just how close Bam had come to dying. How close he had come to watching one of the people he cared most about leaving his sight forever. Tears started to well up in his eyes and Ville cursed himself.

"Not again damn it," he muttered, "stop being so weak Valo," he added, wiping the tears out from underneath his eyes.

He hunched over and messed with the hem of his old beanie, but this time he couldn't stop the tears from coming. His shoulders shook with silent sobs. He crossed his arms and laid them down on the edge of Bam's bed, laying his head into them. His cries were muffled by the bed spread and soon they had all but ceased as Ville pulled himself together.

"I can't believe you still have that old hat Vil'," a ragged, yet familiar voice whispered, "it looks gross, why don't you ever just throw it away and buy a new one?"

Ville's head snapped up and he smiled as he saw Bam was awake, blue eyes sparkling. He wiped his eyes on his shirt sleeve and looked to the beanie he held tightly in his hands. "Yeah, well, you know me Brandon, can't let go of sentimental things," Ville stated in a sarcastic tone, stifling a laugh.

Bam cleared his throat and immediately regretted the move. He winced in slight pain, blinking quickly to clear his mind. "You've had that since you first came here dude and don't call me Brandon, you know how much I hate that name."

Ville looked to Bam when he expressed pain. Once he saw that his friend was alright, the singer smiled. "Well, yeah, that's true I have had it for that long." Then, he held up a finger and raised his eyeborws, "But, if I remember correctly, you're the one who gave it to me insisting my hair looked like shit."

Bam grinned wryly, And I see you haven't made many improvements on that matter Vil'."

Ville nodded and then the room fell deathly silent. Niether of the friends wished to speak, least of all Bam. He had this nagging feeling in his gut and he knew it was because Ville was sitting so closely to him. He only wished that this visit wouldn't last too much longer. That's when Ville started to cry again.

All Bam could do was let out a frustrated sigh, "Come on man, not you too."

Ville looked to Bam as if he had been slapped in the face. The singer couldn't belive how casually Bam was acting, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. "Okay Bam, since you're the smart one, tell me what the hell I'm supposed to do," he stated, voice raised slightly. "You seem to have forgotten that you almost died today Bam and if I hadn't found you when I did you-" he cut himself off. "Tell me, why did you you do it Bam-Bam?" he asked, looking directly into his friend's bright blue eyes with his own piercing emerald gaze.

Bam looked deeply into those eyes. Those dangerous eyes, begging for them to stop burning his skin. He downcast his gaze and sighed, "It's a long story Vil' and I'm tired, I don't want to talk about it just yet, alright?" he half-begged, looking back to Ville. "Please Ville, please stop crying."

Ville nodded, "I understand." His voice was resolute and firm. He tried to hide the fact that he was pissed off at Bam for not telling him what had happened. Why he had snapped. They were supposed to be close, weren't they? The singer pressed those questions out of his mind and then nodded. "I understand Bam." Then, with a pleading glance he spoke again, "You were supposed to be the strong one Bam, why did you make me? I can't take this." "So, for the sake of the sanity of everyone who saw you die today, you'd better decide to speak soon."

Bam's tired eyes glistened with tears. Thank God the room was too dark for Ville to notice. "I promise Vil', but not now, not for awhile yet, okay?" he pleaded.

Ville stood up, nodding. He wiped the tears form his eyes and moved himself closer to where Bam was. He leaned over and gently brought his friend into an embrace. He was careful as to not get tangled in the various wires that were connected to Bam's body in some way, shape or form. Bam went slightly rigid as Ville leaned into him. His breath hitched in his chest, but he didn't say a word. The moment was interrupted when Ville sttod back up, grinning.

"I'm just glad you're okay now Brandon," he said, ignoring his friend's wishes to be called 'Bam'. He reached over and messed up Bam's already slightly messed up locks.

"Hey!" the skater protested, smacking Ville's hand away.

"Hey yourself," Ville retorted. "I leave this to you now, seems you need it more than me at the moment," Ville said with a sarcastic grin. He threw his beanie in Bam's face and stifled a laugh as Bam overreacted to the soft blow. "See you later Bam-Bam."

Bam fiddled with the old beanie and didn't look to Ville as the singer addressed him. "Yeah," he stated quietly.

Ville left the room with more questions in his head than he had recieved answers. He could tell that Bam was holding something back and it bothered him immensely that his friend whom he had known for so long wouldn't confide in him. He thought their trust ran deeper than that. He shook his head, attempting to clear his mind. He hit Ryan on his shoulder as he came up behind him. "Time to scram Dunn, now I'm officially dead tired."

Ville headed out the door of the hospital and Ryan followed in suit. He looked back as Ryan came ot stand next to him.

"How is he?" Dunn questioned.

"He's good, stubborn and air-headed, but good," Ville replied.

Ryan smiled, "Let's go get some sleep."

"You've got your cell on you right, we're going to need a cab remember?" Ville questioned.

Ryan shook his head and flipped his phone out, dialing the operator. "Yeah, hi, I'm in need of a taxi to take back to West Chester." "Yeah, right." He looked around, "Where we are right now? Hospital." "Right, yea, that's the one, hospital on main, yeah, you too, bye." So ended Ryan's well-educated phone call.

"One on it's way?" Ville asked.

Ryan nodded his head and looked down to his phone's glowing screen. "Yeah, coming in about 10 to 15 mintues they said." With that said, Dunn sat down on the curb and began to play 'Free Cell' on his flip phone. "Damn, I'm bad at this game," he muttered to himself after a few moments.

Ville grinned and plopped down next to him, "Yeah? let's have a look," he stated, reaching his hand out towards Ryan's phone.

With an exasperated sigh Dunn handed the singer his phone and then covered his mouth, yawning. "I'm usually pretty good at it," he said, "guees I'm just having an off-color day."

"This isn't that hard Ry," Ville said suddenly, referring to the game.

Ryan frowned and scooted closer, moving to look over Ville's shoulder and to the tiny glowing screen of his phone. "Dude, you ever play Free Cell before this?" he questioned, quirking an eyebrow upwards.

Ville shrugged, "Might of, don't really remember to tell you the truth," he stated, semi-conciously, his mind utterly pre-occupied with the game.

"Well, you're whoopin' the phone's ass," Dunn stated with a small smile.

"For sure, even got a high score, beat that Ry." He punched in 'VHV" in the high score box when it came up and then handed the phone back to Dunn triumphantly.

"Ass," Ryan stated, tucking the phone back in his pocket.

Ville looked up to the cloudy sky, "Looks like it could rain." He sighed, "I could really go for a smoke right about now."

"Go ahead," Dunn answered, even though Ville had been basically talking to himself.

"Can't, Jess is wearing my jacket and my cigs are in it's pocket," Ville added, running his fingers through his greasy, black locks.

"Oh," Ryan answered. "Dude, where's your beanie?" he asked, giving Ville a questioning glance.

Ville stifled a laugh, "Gave it to Bam, he needed it more than me."

The two sat quietly for a few long moments and soon, Ville looked up. The cab they had called for was pulling to a stop in front of them. Dunn got up and turned back to Ville. Dunn, being the 'polite' person he was, moved over and opened Ville's door for him.

"Thanks Ryan, you're always the gentleman, aren't you?" Ville asked sarcastically as he sat inside the vehicle.

Dunn rolled his eyes and then closed the cab's door after his friend had situated himself in the car. "Always, Ville, always." With that, he moved to the opposite side of the cab and opened the door. He got in and then looked up to the driver.

"Where to boys?" the driver, who appeared to be in his mid-forties questioned. He turned around to face them, eyeing them both suspiciously.

Ville avoided his gaze and was saved by Dunn as he answered for them. "West Chester man, and hurry up if you possibly could, we've had a rough morning," he stated as politely as he could manage.

The driver was quiet for a moment, but nodded in answer to Ryan's question. "You look familiar," he said suddenly, looking in the rear-view to Ville.

Ville sighed. He honestly didn't have time, nor did he want to make time for something like this. It had already been a trying day as it was. "Yeah, yeah, heard this one too many times mate, not really in the mood for it today, alright?" he asked, trying not to sound too pissed off. "Please, can we get a move on?" he asked, tone a little more laid-back.

The driver held up his hands defensively and then turning around. "Sorry." He shifted the vehicle into drive and then didn't speak to either Ryan or Ville for the rest of the drive back to West Chester.

Ryan looked to Ville with a soft gaze. He understood how much stress the singer was under and how much he had been worrying about Bam. He rested his hand on Ville's shoulder in an encouraging way, meriting a slight smile from him. Ville laid his head back into the seat and slowly closed his eyes. His thoughts rambled on and he started to let the stress melt itself out of his mind. It had indeed been an awful morning and afternoon, but now they were heading back home. 'Castle Bam' was only a few miles away and still had it's king, thanks to a certain Finnish rock star who was literally dead on his feet.
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