(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 00:15

-Title- Falling
 -Rating- PG-13, for now
-Pairing- Vam (as if I needed to say it...)
-Summary- Bam finds his true feelings after he finds out Ville’s secret...
-Disclaimer- The usual don’t own, don’t know, never happened, blah blah blah...although...

Next 2 chappy.  Thanks to all who have read and reviewed *hugs*

I have no idea what to do. I paced around my room, trying to figure certain things out. I glanced at the clock on the floor and 7:45 stared back at me in glowing red numbers. The guys had just left half an hour ago. "Fuck," I muttered, and continued my pacing. "Ah I know!" I snapped my fingers and darted out my room and down the stairs into the kitchen. Ape would know what to do.

I slowly entered the kitchen to find her making...cookies? That’s unusual...she hardly makes cookies. I thought. I slid out a chair from the table and plopped myself down. Ape kept her back to me as she continued slaving over the cookie mix. How am I supposed to ask for advice on something like this? Well I sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up...God, doesn’t this woman know I’m here? I sighed loudly, in an attempt to get her attention. But no dice...she continued with her baking, keeping her back to me. I cleared my throat and sighed again, finally catching her attention.

"Oh, Bam you scared me!" she placed a hand over her heart and sighed heavily. She smiled at me and then went back to her baking. "So why aren’t you with your boys?" She asked, her back to me once again.

"I didn’t feel like going." I stated flatly, hoping to catch her interest.

"Oh? Why not?" She asked, quickly glancing over her shoulder at me before returning to her cooking.

"I dunno. I just..have this thing...I’ve been thinking a lot.." I trailed off.

"Uh oh...this can’t be good." she chuckled. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Stop joking Ape, this is serious." She turned back to me, her expression serious as she walked to the table and pulled out a chair, sitting down carefully.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, placing a dish towel on the table.

"Well.." I started, not knowing exactly how to ask for advice without giving out too much information. "I have this friend," I started. Ape smiled at me knowingly but allowed me to continue, obviously going along with my game "his name is...Dan." God, could I be anymore convincing?

"Uh huh," She nodded, putting her elbows on the table and folding her hands under her chin.

"And Dan has this friend named...uh..Will." Jesus Christ...not even my cat would believe this shit. "And Dan knows a secret about Will, and he needs advice." I stopped, making sure that Ape was following me.

"Ok, so what ‘secret’ does he need advice about?" Ape gestured the quote signal when she said secret.

"Well," I cleared my throat...ok, there’s no going back... "Dan found out that Will has feelings for him. Like more than friends feelings..." I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to explain the best possible way, without giving away to much. Ape nodded her head, allowing me to continue, "And Dan doesn’t know what to do about it."

"Ok, so...Will, who is a boy, has feelings for Dan, who is also a boy, and Dan doesn’t know what to do about it?" Ape tried to clarify, accenting each name articulately. I nodded quickly, shifting my eyes down to the table. "Well, does Dan feel the same about Willa?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me. Wait...did she say Willa?

"You said Willa!" I pointed an accusing finger at her. She squinted her eyes in confusion and shrugged her shoulders. "You said Willa. I said his name is Will...you said Will-a! Why?" I asked, fearing she had broken my master code and figured out that I was actually talking about Ville and myself.

"You called?" Ville walked into the kitchen, a smile on his lips and his eyebrows raised. I felt my cheeks turn hot, and I looked back to my mom..who had obviously figured out what I was getting at. As realization struck her, she began to form a plan.

"Actually Ville, Bam was trying to get advice for one of his friends...and well I think you could be of better help to him." she stood up from the table and returned to her task of baking, allowing Ville to sit and try to ‘help’ me with my problem.

"So, what advice?" Ville asked, his hands folded neatly on the table and his eyes burning into my skin.

"Nothing...nevermind." I muttered, sinking down in the chair.

"Oh don’t be like that Bam." She squinted her eyes at me, "It’s just that Bam has a friend, named Dan who has a friend named Will, and Will has feelings for Dan, and Dan doesn’t know what to do about it." she finished for me, while finishing up her task of baking.

I rolled my eyes, slouching further down in the chair. "Oh, I see." Ville nodded his head lightly while he took in the situation. "Well, I think Dan should talk to Will about it. And then go from there." he looked at me, staring into my eyes with a chilling intensity. Yeah, easy for you to say. How the hell am I gonna do this?


The ringing phone snapped Ville and me back to reality. "Bam be a sweetheart and answer the phone." Ape motioned for me to get the phone as she waved a spatula, scraping the delicious looking chocolate chip cookies off the pan. I sighed and got up, thankful for the inturuption.

"Playboy mansion, what’s your fantasy?" I answered.

"Bam duuuuddee!" I heard Dunn on the other line, slurring his words, along with very loud music.


"You toddalllly neee to coe down herrre!" He squeaked, obviously having the time of his life. "Da chiccks duuuudde!" he finished. I rolled my eyes. God knows I had been without a date for a long time. Ever since Jenn had left. But what was strange was that right now...I wasn’t wanting attention from anyone. Or at least girls...What the fuck are you thinking Bam?!?!

"Whatever man, I’m out." and I hung up the phone. I sighed, staring at the phone receiver. Okay. I couldn’t deny it. I liked the idea that Ville was probably attracted to me. Hell, maybe even in love with me...it was quite flattering actually. I found myself smiling and immediately snapped out of my disillusioned state. God dammit Bam stop being such a queer!

I walked back to the kitchen reluctantly, my hands stuffed back into my pockets. I stopped at the doorway, watching the sight before me. "These cookies are absolutely delicious!" Ville muffled through a mouthful of cookies. Ape and Ville had their backs to me.

"Ville, you are too sweet." She giggled. No one could resist Ville’s charm. Shit.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat, getting their attention. Ape turned and smiled, then returned to finish the baking. Ville turned and smiled at me. A smile forced it’s way on to my lips as I stared at his face. His cheeks were slightly blushed, and bulged by the huge mouthful of cookies stuffed into his mouth, and in his hands were more cookies! Jeez, he must really like chocolate chip cookies. I chuckled a little at the ring of chocolate that surrounded his chocolate stained lips.

"What?" Ville shrugged, his mouth still full of cookies, and an innocent look playing on his face. I found myself staring at his mouth, my heart beating faster and my stomach turning flips. I wonder how the chocolate on Ville’s lips would taste...

I shook my head to get the thoughts of licking Ville’s lips out of my head. "What’s so funny?" Ville had finally managed to swallow his mouthful, and he was staring at me, a goofy grin plastered on his chocolate covered lips. He looked absolutely beautiful...

"Jeez Vil, you look so cute, I could eat you up!" I exclaimed, my words leaving my mouth before I could catch them. His smile quickly faded, leaving his chocolate lips parted slightly, his cheeks were flushed a bright pink, and he stared at me like I was growing a second head. I can’t believe you fucking said that! Shit shit...what do I do?

Ape turned around, raising an eyebrow at me, "I uh think I’m going to call your dad and let him know the cookies are ready." She whispered as she brushed past me, leaving Ville and me alone.

He stood there, staring at me. I cleared my throat in an attempt to divert his attention, "uh, you really should wipe your mouth." I whispered, pointing to the cloth on the counter. He blinked his eyes several times, and shook his head as he wiped the chocolate. After he finished, he turned back at me, shifting his eyes uncomfortably around the kitchen. "I think..I’m gonna go...up..over...there..." I turned quickly and sprinted for my room, not looking back until I was sheltered in my room. I collapsed on my bed, thankful I had locked my door behind me...or so I thought...

**feedback is love, and i'm a feedback whore :)**
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