(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 09:36

sorry forgot to add chapter two oops (sorry if im hogging the message board im just tryig to clear these out of the way.

Accidentally in love
Chapter two- theme park thrills

*next day*
Bam turned over in bed away from the window so the sunlight wasn’t in his eyes. When he had got comfortable bam felt Ville follow his actions.
But when Ville had stopped moving bam felt an arm snake its way around his midsection, pulling him closer.
“err Ville” said bam
Ville was still asleep and simply responded by groaning and pulling bam even closer.
Oh great thought bam. He was in a vice like grip by his best friend, who probably thought he was one of the girls off tour right now, and he didn’t even want to go into what he could probably feel pushing against his butt.
After much struggling bam finally freed himself. He stood up and stretched out. Turning back towards the bed he saw that Ville hand continued his vice grip. But on his pillow this time.
Weird bam thought. He grabbed a t shirt and some shorts and headed downstairs.
No one was in so he grabbed himself some cereal and plonked himself in front of the TV. He picked up the remote and pressed a random number. He tossed the remote aside and ate his breakfast in front of spongebob square pants.
About an hour later Ville appeared in the living room. His hair was at all angles. It was quite obvious that he had just woken up.
“morning sunshine” said bam cheerily.
“morning” said Ville yawning. He sat himself down next to bam and watched the cartoon, his mind not fully taking in what was on screen.
“have a good nights sleep?” asked bam
“it was ok”
“listen we are all thinking of going to a theme park today. You wanna come Ville?”
“sure whatever” replied Ville still half asleep.
Bam heard some cars coming up the driveway signalling the return of his friends. Getting up he chucked the remainder of the cereal in the bin. After looking at the bowl he threw that also. He would buy another one anyway.
“hey what’s up bam. Get ready we will all be in the cars” said Dunn as he poked his head in the kitchen.
Bam turned to Ville who had started to fall asleep again.
Bam smiled to himself. Sneaking up behind the couch as quietly as possible he positioned himself just right.
Ville jumped up and fell off the couch.
“You bastard! What the hell do you think your doing!”
“just telling you to get ready. See you in the car”. with that bam left Ville on the floor and went to find what car he was in.

Ten minutes later Ville emerged from the house still in a sulk. Even though it was a sunny day he had put on black jeans, black shirt and his long black coat. oh did I mention the beanie as well. Burton signalled to Ville that he was in the car with the band.
On the way to the theme park Burton turned to Ville who was in the back, staring out of the window.
“so Ville managed to romance bam yet?”
“and why the hell not?” said Mige.
“ I just haven’t got the guts to tell him. Besides what if he doesn’t like me”
“well how will you know if you don’t tell him” said Burton.
“suppose your right” said Ville. His voice laced with sadness.

When they arrived at the theme park Ville had forgotten about being in a mood with bam and walked up to join him.
“so what shall we do first” asked Ville.
“ghost train” said bam
“what?” said Ville
“ghost train. You deaf?” laughed bam.
Ville absolutely hated ghost trains. What with the dark and skeletons and spiders.
“must we. I hate those things”
“come on it’ll be a laugh” said bam as he dragged a reluctant Ville towards the queue for the ghost train
“why bloody me?” Ville mumbled to himself.
Soon enough they had gotten on the ride. Ville couldn’t stop fidgeting. He had partnered with bam. Dunn and mige were in the seats behind them. A clunking noise signalled the start of the ride.
It wasn’t long before Ville was a nervous wreck. Out of instinct he grabbed bam`s hand. Bam said nothing. He understood that Ville was scared so let it pass.

“thank fuck that is over” said a relieved Ville, running as fast as he could away from the ride.
Everyone just laughed. Ville was well known for being a bit of a drama queen. Bam caught up with him.
“you ok dude?”
“don’t ever make me go on that again” said Ville.
“ok no probs. Wanna go get something to eat. Burger, ice cream?” asked bam.
“ice cream” came Ville’s reply

Everybody went to the vender and chose their ice creams. Finding some benches they sat down. Ville sat opposite bam ,staring greedily at his ice cream. He had ordered strawberry ice cream with chocolate sauce and cherries on top.
He grabbed his bowl of ice cream and took, between his thumb and index, the cherry that was above the melted and warm chocolate. He imagined to himself how he would treat bam`s beautiful body, should he ever get him into bed. Then attacked the cherry. He wrapped his lips around the little and red fruit that he sucked until the chocolate had disappeared. He made it slide between his lips several times. He could feel people staring at him but didn’t care. If this didn’t make bam horny nothing would. He took off the stalk and chewed the cherry voluptuously as if it was the most delicious fruit he had ever eaten in his whole life. Finally, he put his little spoon in the ice cream and led it towards his full lips. Ville made his tongue run on the cream as if he was tasting a lover’s skin. He closed his eyes savouring the taste. When he opened them his eyes locked with a very startled blue pair. Ville smiled at bam and gave him a wink.
Bam practically fell of the bench, making the excuse that he needed to use the bathroom.

In the bathroom bam splashed his face with cold water. I imagined that. Ville did not just give a cherry a blow job. he looked at his face in the mirror. It was flushed red, water droplets were hanging off his nose. you were just imagining it bam. It was all a dream. And then he looked at me!! Oh my god. Relax bam he is just being in one of those moods. Bam dried his face and returned to the bench where the others were sitting.
Bam signalled to Dunn to follow him to a quieter spot.
“Ryan you my friend right?”
“can I ask you something”
“sure fire away”
“well I think Ville has been acting very strange lately”
“in what way?” asked Ryan
“well he’s been distant around me, hardly talks to me and don’t tell me you didn’t see his trick with the cherry! Something’s defiantly wrong with him” concluded bam.
“nah I don’t see it” said Ryan “now come on lets cram in as many rides as possible. Bam followed his friend back to the group. He was probably just imagining things, after all Ville was a naturally flirtatious person.
The rest of the day went well. Everyone had forgotten the cherry incident. Ville continued to hold bam`s hand on every ride, rabb threw up on the pirate ship, and Ryan Dunn got banned from the arcade for fighting with a ten year old over who’s turn it was on air hockey. The journey on the way home was interesting. Him`s car had an extra passenger. On one of the fair stalls Ville managed to win a big fluffy teddy bear with a red heart. This took up one and a half seats, pushing Burton against the window. Ville was beside himself. He was going to give it to bam when they got back. A little token of his love he called it.
Ville and the band arrived first. After much struggling Ville pulled the teddy out of the car and ran towards his and bam`s room. When he got there he placed the bear in the centre of the bed.
There! he thought to himself. perfect. He looked at the bed one last time before leaving the room and going back downstairs.

The second car pulled into the driveway.
“man im knackered im gonna lie on my bed to chill” said bam.
“do you want me to shout when teas ready” asked rake.
“nah I’ll pass today” replied bam.
They all clambered out of the car and dragged themselves towards the house. Most went straight for the kitchen to get refreshments.
Bam pulled his legs up each step. His legs were heavy and it took him every bit of effort to make it to his room. He reached for the door and opened it.
“What the fuck!” was all that could be heard from downstairs.
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