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Jun 03, 2005 09:23

A Long time ago in a galaxy far far away i was set the challenge of writing a fan fic where ville tries to seduce bam who becomes increasingly confused by his friends actions and the way he is.
so here it is its going to be very long so bear with me

title:Accidentally in love
pairing: well duh
summary ville tries to seduce a confused bam
I am apologising so much for the crappy start I had major ,major writers block demons . But I got rid of them yay!!

Accidentally in love
Chapter one-hidden feelings

Out in the yard bam had decided to throw a bbq. No real reason just because he was bored and felt like something to do.
At the half pipe bam was sowing of some tricks to Dunn and Dico.
“hey bam!” came a voice sown below. Bam stopped what he was doing and turned to see who was calling his name.
Ville Valo was leaning against the side of the half pipe watching bam perform some tricks and watching his ass but he would never admit that to anyone. That was his little secret.
“Hey!” said bam as he walked over to Ville and embraced him.
“glad you could make it”
“so am I” replied Ville, his head buried in bam`s neck.
As they parted bam could of swore he had felt Ville’s hand on his ass but thought nothing of it. He started to walk off in the direction of the bbq signalling for the others to follow him.
Ville smiled quietly to himself as he followed.
As they all reached the porch a cry went up from rabb.
“aaarrrgghh no beer!!!!”
Everybody stopped what they were doing.
“did he just say what I thought he said?” questioned bam
“yeah I think so” said Dunn.
Seconds passed in silence.
“so you going to get some more then bam?” asked rabb.
“no why the hell should I?”
“because its your party” finished off Phil

Bam sighed he hated having to go and get more beer.
“alright I’ll go, what does everyone need?”
As people started shouting their orders Dico cut in.
“err don’t mean to burst everyone’s bubble but how the hell is bam going to carry all this stuff?”
That brought everything crashing to a halt.
“Well looks like I can only get so much then” said bam as he picked up a random bag.
Ville looked up from where he had sat down on the floor. This was his chance. Some time with bam. Maybe he could finally tell bam how he felt. “I’ll go too” piped up Ville.
“you what, you hate beer runs” said Dunn
“ well I changed my mind” he said as he took out a cigarette and lit it up.
“ cool, whatever, just hurry up” said bam as he started to walk in the general direction of the liquor store.
Bam was in a world of his own on the way to the store. He was thinking about his recent break up with Jenn. Bam didn’t notice he was near the store until Ville shouted that he almost walked past it. Once inside they both headed straight to the beer chillers. Ville leant against the freezer behind him whilst bam rummaged around for the required beverages.
“so bam anything good happened whilst I was away?”
“nah not really” came bam`s muffled voice
“so you didn’t miss anyone then?
“no” said bam turning to look at Ville.
“oh right” mumbled Ville hanging his head down.
“are you ok?” asked bam “you seem a bit off”
“yeah im ok now lets get some more food. No doubt don Vito and gas will have eaten it by the time we get back”

Bam walked towards the freezers grabbing various item along the way, setting down the basket he bent down looking for the burgers he wanted.
Ville looked up from the magazine he had picked up and his breath caught in his throat. oh my god, would you look at that ass he thought, using all the will power known to mankind not to reach out and squeeze it. His train of thought was broken by bam waving his hand in front of his face signalling that he had finished and was ready to go back home.

The walk on the way home was tense. Bam couldn’t tell what it was, but there was something in the air that didn’t feel right. Ville hadn’t spoken a single word since the store. Now normally Ville could talk a glass eye to sleep but today he just seemed different. Bam looked at his friend. yep something definitely up thought bam.

They didn’t have chance to get up the driveway before they were molested by an hyperactive rabb grabbing the shopping off them and running towards the bbq.
“what the hell” said Ville who had fallen to the floor.
“my god it talks!” replied bam as he helped Ville back up.
“shut up”
Bam laughed at his friend and walked towards the house. Ville followed close behind, dusting his clothes off as he went.

*later that night*
“boy was that a good time” commented Dunn from the living room floor.
“yep cant argue with that” Rake said before moving to pick up his beer.
“ err bam you have sorted out the room arrangements haven’t you?”
“you know the rooms where everyone is staying” said Dico.
“I guess it slipped my mind”
“well best sort it out now cos its getting quite late” Dico continued pointing to the clock on the wall.
“Cant everyone sort it out between themselves cos im going to bed now” bam said as he walked over the tangle of bodies and up the stairs.
“well looks like its up to us then” said Dunn.

After much deliberation and migè absolutely refusing to sleep in a room with gas due to his err.. wind problems. The room arrangement finally decided.
“gentlemen please listen up to where you will be staying” said Dico
“Rabb will bunk with myself
Dunn with Burton
Gas will be on his own, as is migè
Rake with Lindè
And Ville you will be in bam`s room”

“excuse me” came Ville’s surprised voice “how come I’m with bam” not that I don’t want to be. He added to himself.
“well you can thank your band mates for that one. If gas and migé had not demanded separate rooms you would be sharing with one of them”
“oh” Ville simply replied. Burton giggled to himself and gave a sly thumbs up to gas and migé.
All the band knew of Ville’s true reason for coming to the bbq/party/booze binge. He was attempting to woo bam. In his own way of course. Hence the reason mige demanded a separate room. He didn’t mind bunking with gas, he did it all the time on the tour. But he had figured with enough arguing Ville might bunk with bam giving him a chance to tell bam his feelings.
Everyone soon said their goodbyes and set off to bed.

Ville’s entire body was shaking as his hand reached for the door handle. He would have to spend his entire stay in bam`s room, with bam. Taking a deep breath he knocked then entered the room. Bam was sitting up in bed reading a random skate magazine. Looking up he saw Ville standing nervously at the door.
“well come in then I don’t bite . . .hard” bam added laughing at the look on Ville’s face after he had said it.
“so what you doing in here then” said bam
“well I have to bunk with you during my stay. If that’s ok with you” please say yes oh god please say yes.
“sure whatever” said bam patting the spot next to him for Ville to sit down
“ so I take it ill be sleeping on the floor” Ville said as he arranged himself on the bed
“don’t be stupid. Your on the bed”
“but I cant let you sleep on the floor bam”
“I wont be on the floor. I will be on the bed as well”
“what with me?” asked a surprised Ville
“yeah” replied bam simply. “why? don’t you wanna sleep with me. Do I stink or something”
“no. its just I thought id be on the floor that’s all”
“well you aint. That’s settled then” said bam.
Bam got up off the bed throwing down the magazine he had been reading. He took off his t-shirt throwing it into a corner. His jeans soon followed. Ville could feel his throat getting dryer by the second. He was trying not to look. Honest he wasn’t. But when bam margera is stripping in front of you its very hard not to look. After he had got undressed bam slid under the covers and settled down.
“come on dude get undressed, you aint sleeping in those clothes”
Ville just stared at bam like he had grown a second head.
“don’t tell me you have gone all shy” said bam “here ill help you” he added before reaching over and attempting to wrestle the clothes off Ville. Limbs went in all directions.
“no . . . bam . . . Bam stop. I said stop” screamed Ville.
“ok chill man. Just get undressed so we can get some sleep” with that bam reached over to turn off the bedside lamp, leaving the room in an eerie glow from the moonlight. Ville sighed and got undressed. As he got into bed his skin brushed against bam`s, making him realise how small the bed actually was. He turned his head and noticed that bam was already fallen asleep. The moonlight was highlighting his features. Ville couldn’t help himself. He reached out and moved a stray hair that had fallen on bam`s face and tucked it behind his ear. Leaning over he lightly kissed bam`s head.
“night bammie” he whispered before joining bam in the land of nod.
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