(no subject)

May 31, 2005 12:00

-Title- Falling
-Rating- PG-13, for now
-Pairing- Vam (as if I needed to say it...)
-Summary- Bam finds his true feelings after he finds out Ville’s secret...
-Disclaimer- The usual don’t own, don’t know, never happened, blah blah blah...although...

What are you doing? Why are you going into the room Ville’s staying in? Well, I own this house, and I can go where ever I damn well please...

My mind was battling itself, trying to find a damn good reason why I was snooping in the guest room Ville was staying in. What the hell are you looking for anyway? I walked through the room, stepping over empty beer bottles, clothing and what not as I slowly walked through his room. That’s when I saw it...calling to me. With my eyes transfixed on the creamy white pages, I crept to the side of his bed, reaching down and picking up this object of fascination.

My dear sweet Bam. I wish I could tell you how I feel. I wish I could kiss your lips and let you know how much you mean to me. Sometimes I wake up before you do, and I watch you sleep. Because you are so amazing. I can’t even fathom that I am so lucky to have you so close. While I watch you, I think, I must have done something extremely good, something right in my life to be blessed with you. I’m not a religious man, but I pray. I pray to God that I can find the courage, and strength to make you as happy as you’ve made me.

Even if we are only friends...it’s more than I could ever ask for. And maybe one day...I can find the courage to tell you how I really feel.

I stared at the page wide eyed and my mouth hanging open. I knew I shouldn’t have read it. But it was just lying there on his bed, open. It was a siren, calling me to come read his most inner thoughts. Ville’s journal. Well smart ass, you bit off more than you can chew. What the hell are you gonna do now?

"Bam? Bam where are you?" Ville called from the other room. Shit. uh...ok drop the journal on the bed and run. God dammit Bam let go of it!

I stood paralyzed in the room, Ville’s journal glued to my fingers. I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. Bam let it go...NOW! I dropped the journal on the bed and finally found the strength to lift my heavy legs and make a dash for it. I ran straight through the door and into someone, causing us to topple down, hitting the floor..hard.

"Holy shit! What the fuck Bam?" I heard Ville’s voice float to my ears, he glared at me as I tried to come up with a convincing explanation.

"Shit, I’m sorry Ville, I was just..I was.." okay think of something witty, something good...God Bam think!

"Whatever, we’re waiting on you." He stated flatly, picking himself off the floor and turning on his heel to go back downstairs. "Hurry your ass up. I’m not getting any drunker!" He called back, before he disappeared down the stairs. I lay on the floor a few minutes, trying to regain my composure. Why the hell was I so nervous?

**feedback is love :)**
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