(no subject)

May 22, 2005 16:32

b>Title: The downfall, the spinning, the falling.
Rating: R.
Pairing: Bam/Ville.
Summery: Bam is starting over. Trying to find himself amongst the idenities he's built up over the years, and through his search he finds someone he wasn't really looking for, but sure is damn glad he found.
Disclaimer: I don't know what you've heard on the streets, but I own them like a motherfucker, yeah. nothing is mine, sadly. This story is pre-HIM knowing. Yet it's set in todays date. Just becuase I rule and can do what I please. *nods*


Three ♥
When I don't know what to do, I don't do anything. And right now he's sitting infront of me at the kitchen table staring off into space and i dont know what to do. I could start up a conversation, but he doesnt talk so, I stare off with him. I wonder what he's thinking and if he can feel my foot by his. Does he wonder if I notice, or what Im thinking? The clock reads 10:02pm and I cant believe we've been sitting here for that long with no sounds besides my refrigerator humming and the clock ticking annoyingly.
I glance at him, noticing that his eyes are closed.
"Are you tired?"
He doesnt open his eyes, just nodds a little.
"Do you want to go to bed?"
His eyes shot open, a look of terror streamed his face. I didn't know what was wrong with him and then it dawned on me..
"Oh.. no I meant.. do you want to go to bed.. as in.. alone. to sleep."
He sighed a teeny bit and nodded.
"Okay. And hey, im not tryna get you in bed. I mean.. i dont know you." I smiled "You'd have to buy me dinner first.. and we'd have to have this connection which is difficult seeing how you dont talk."
I thought my joke was funny, but he didnt. he just got up and waited for me to show him the way to the bedroom.
We walked silently down the hall and stopped by the door. I opened it and he stepped inside looking around at the walls and the bedspread, noting that he might have liked it.
He looked back at me and I swear I saw him smile a little.
He shoved himself into be in the most graceful way ive ever seen and then pulled the black covers over his shivering body. He looked so small in my bed.
"Do you want me to close the door behind me?"
He shook his head and closed his eyes and I walked out of the room, leaving the door astray. I walked into the living room, pulled off my tshirt and left my pants on, laying down on the couch on my pillow not bothing to get a blanket.

-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --

I awoke from my dreamless sleep, feeling as though i had only slep for 20 minutes, to a loud screaming. I looked at the clock that read 2:49am pointing out that I had spet for about an hour or so, after hearing another scream and some sobbing I then ran into my bedroom to see him crying on the bed, still in deep sleep, tears and sweat covering his face. I ran to the bedside watching him stir, trying to wake him without touching him.
"Hey.. uh.. wake up.. its only a bad dream. come on.. wake up."
When that didnt work i reached out and shook him, lightly at first but a little harder when it didnt seem to work.
He awoke with a startle and jumped up. He looked around and then spotted me beside him.
He eased up a bit.
"Hey, it's ok. It was just a dream."
He shook his head and reached up, wiping the persperation and salty tears off his face. He looked at me, avoiding my eyes still, but looking down my neck, my chest and then up my arms. He reached out with a shaking hand, looking so pale it almost was transparent, and touched my upperarm. I looked down at his cold hand touching me, his fingers grazing over the goosbumps along my arm.
"Yeah.. it's cold in here and I didnt have a blanket."
My voice seemed to snap him out of a trance or something, he took his hand away abruptly and looked down at his lap. He sighed and started looking aorund the room, his eyes falling upon a picture of Ape, Dico, Phil, Raab and Dunn on my beside table. He picked it up with the same shakey hand that grazed my arm, looking at it in a nostalgic sort of way.
"Thats Ape, my mom, Phil, my dad, Dunn, Dico, and Raab my friends." I pointed them out individually. "they all live back at my old house in PA. Thats where all my stuff is, everyhting i've owned over the years and everything i've become. I moved her to .. try and figure out who I am."
My voice had gotten lower as I kept talking. Im not sure why I did keep talking, but I felt comfortable around him.
He nodded a little, as if understanding about everyhting I was telling him. I finally got a good look into his green eyes. I stared at them for awhile, wondering if he minded but getting lost too deep to care if he was mad or uncomfortable. I was loving every moment of it. Somewhere along the lines I started leaning in, but realizing I pulled back.
"Uh.. yeah. So anyways.. Im gonna go back to bed. That Burton guy will be coming here early tomorrow.. so.. goodnight."
I started to walk away, wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into, when I felt his hand grab me and pull me back a little. I turned around to see him sitting upright holding out a blanket for me.
I smiled at him, and took it, thanking him on the way out.

-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --

The morning light coming in was dim, there was a thin layer of grey clouds in the sky but it was surprisingly warm out for a european winter. It was 8:10 in the morning, and this Burton guy should have been here ten minutes ago. The little trooper was still asleep, or atleast, just laying in my bed with his eyes closed pretending. Everything seemed light and clear this morning, like a better day. It wasn't though. I was still thousands and thousands of miles away from my friends and family, and I had some stranger lying in my bed that has a homicidal mute about him.

I put lastnights garbage into the container i passed off as a garbage can, and turned on the water to wash my face. The coldness was a little 'icey' at first but i grew used to it after a few moments. I should have used hot water, it might have woken me up a bit more. I heard the buzzer to my apartment ring and the bathroom door open. I saw him come in from the hallway and he slightly smiled at me and sat down on the couch.
"That should be Burton."
I went over to the intercom and pressed the brown button.
"Hi. This is Burton. This is Bam margera's apartment, no?"
"Yes.. yes it is. Come on up. Apartment 7 3rd floor."
I buzzed him in and wen over to where he was sitting on the couch staring at the black screen of my television.
After a few moments of silence the door swung open and a tall good looking man was standing there. Muteman stood up and ran towards him flying his arms around his shoulders.
"God, thank you you're alright." Burton said into his neck.
I walked awkwardly towards them.
When they finally let go Burton looked at me, smiling.
"Thank you so much Bam." His accent was thicker than it sounded on the phone. I had a feeling he was finnish, it sounded so similar to one of my friends accents from there.
"Its not problem, really." I said, nodding oddly.
He nodded firmly back.
There was silence and then Burton announced that they should leave.
"Wait.. can I atleast know your name now?" I asked him before he turned away.
He looked at me and then to the floor, then with those pretty green eyes back up at me.
His voice was beautiful, and I wanted to tell him to be safe but by his posture and the way he held onto Burton, I knew it wasnt necessairy.
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