Title: The downfall, the spinning, the falling.
Rating: R.
Pairing: Bam/Ville.
Summery: Bam is starting over. Trying to find himself amongst the idenities he's built up over the years, and through his search he finds someone he wasn't really looking for, but sure is damn glad he found.
Disclaimer: I don't know what you've heard on the streets, but I own them like a motherfucker, yeah. nothing is mine, sadly. This story is pre-HIM knowing. Yet it's set in todays date. Just becuase I rule and can do what I please. *nods*
One Two: ♥
As he sat infront of me on the couch I opened a first aid kit Ape had packed for me when I was leaving "just incase you decide to start skating again" she had said. I'm not sure why it was so hard for her to grasp the fact that I was done with skating. The only one who knew I was serious was Dunn.
"Are you serious Bam? You dont even want to skate?"
"I'm serious."
"But that's who you are. Bam Margera the obnoxious skateboarder."
"I dont want to be that Bam anymore."
He let out a deep sigh, and he knew by the look in my eyes and how I didnt smile when I left that I was serious.
I left all my boards home. I left everything I used to be home. My friends were my world. My family was my center. I held everything dear to me there. Everything I owned and loved was all left behind and I was here in a random European town searching for some type of happiness that I couldnt get back in Pennsylvania.
I dabbed the cotton ball into the peroxide and leaned foreward to press it to his temple. His head stayed down so I gently touched his chin to pull it upwards. He froze and flinched away. Noticing he didn't like being touched, I mumbled a sorry and he thankfully kept his head up.
"This is going to sting, since that cut is deep." I warned before fully placing it there. He didnt wince, or even acknowlage it was there. Just stared ahead at the wall behind me.
"Well, arn't you a brave little scout." I joked, putting the ball by the cut around his lip, wiping off dry blood and watching it fizz a little, showing it was killing anything that could be infectious.
I tried not taking in the way his eyes were a glorious shade of green. They were one of a kind and despite the trouble it took to actually see them, I loved stealing glances of them. My eyes are a certain shade of blue nobody can seem to place becuase one day theyre more faded then others and they look like storm blue, the colour of the ocean during lighting. Other days there sunshine blue, beach blue. paradise sea blue. Others words have been used to describe them but I'm not too fond of them anymore. I used to love showing them off but lately i've been wearing sunglasses becuase they seem to be a subtle shade of dark grey that I hated.
When you realize everything, even your eye colour is fading, it gets harder to accomplish happiness. It gets harder to understand why being okay cant happen right now. Why I cant just acheive happiness with my friends and family, becuase thats all we need really, is what people say. But they dont understand that I cant be okay with people who dont realize i was never okay. I need to be by myself, work things out.
He reached up and pushed a peice of his short black hair out of his face, its been there for awhile and I was wondering when he was going to push it aside becuase my own cheek was getting a little itchy looking at it. I would have pulled it back myself but everytime i touch him, or am remotly close to him, he flinches back and away. Keep your distance Bam, it's the key to not getting his guy in an uproar and maybe he wont kill you. Besides, I dont know him. This could all be some 'shy boy' act and he has a knife in his back pocket (though, I doubt with how tight they are anything else could fit in them) and is going to kill me once i turn my back.
Yet the worry in his eyes tells me there something wrong and he is really just scared of something. Or amybe someone.
"Did someone do this to you?" That was the single most stupidest question. Of course someone did this to him. He obviously didnt punch himself.
He said nothing, just looked back down.
"Can I know your name?"
It had accured to me that he's been in my apartment for almost an hour and I didnt know his name and he didnt know mine.
"My name is Bam."
He looked up at me for a slight second before staring at the wall again.
"Not much of a talker?"
He still said nothing.
"Yeah, me neither, but seriously, we need to get you help and since you dont seem to talk do you have a number i can call and reach someone?"
He hesitated for a moment and then reached in his pocket pulling out a wallet. I took it and opened it, seeing it almost empty except for a movie ticket, some change and a white peice of paper with a number on it and 'Burton' written above it. I took it out and held it out for him to see, as if asking if this is who i should call.
He nodded and I pulled out my cellphone and dialed the number.
"`ello?" a thick european accent filled the other side.
"Uh, yes.. is this.. burton?" I asked fumbling over my words.
'Yes, who is this?"
"You dont know me, im Bam Margera and I have a situtaion here with some guy.."
"Listen if this is a fan, im flattered and stuff but im really busy.."
"A fan?" I asked. What was he talking about? "No.. theres a guy here.. whose been beaten pretty badly. I dont know his name becuase he wont talk. He seems to be in shock or something, but i found your number in his wallet, I think you should come over and get him, he's in bad shape."
There was silence on the other line.
"Describe the person to me.." he said, a little skeptic.
"Tall, lanky, black short hair. black clothing.. he's got some weird arm tattoo.."
"Oh god.. Where are you?"
"My apartment in Pogue its-"
"Damn. We all just landed in the U.S and the next flight isnt until tonight.."
I fell silent.
"Do you think you could keep him there till tomorrow morning? Give me your adress and i'll be there around 8am.."
"Uh.. yeah ok. "
I gave him my address and hung up.
"Listen buddy, your friend or brother.. or whoever cant come till tomorrow.. and your stuck here with me."
He looked even more frightened if thats possible.
"You can have the bedroom and I'll sleep here on the couch tonight."
I exited the room grabbing one of the million pillows on my bed and taking it back in with me to the couch.
I placed it there beside him.
"Its only 6 so you can.. i dont know.. do whatever. watch tv. play video games. whatever."
He shook his head and placed a hand onto his other, covering it.
"You hungry? Thirsty?"
He nodded a little.
"Me too.. hmm. Stay in or eat out?"
He said nothing. Did nothing.
"okay.. no talking. Hmm.. so I should phrase it in a way that you can shake your head or nodd..right?"
He nodded slightly.
"Go out to eat?"
He shook his head.
"Alright, stay in it is. Come on into the kitchen and I'll see what I have."
He followed me in, keeping his distance.
I pulled out two things of ramen and asked if he liked chinese and he nodded.
We sat and ate in silence and i felt at ease.
Comment, loves.