Title: Close Encounters - Chapter 19
Rating: Some parts PG, others R.
Disclaimer: No characters, only story
Summery: Bam discovers HIM and begins his journey on tour with them in the US. As he and Ville discover their love, many new adventures unfold, only to have a tragedy befall them. NOTE: Read the Background info before reading the story or it won’t make sense!
A/N: links to previous chapters are inside.
BACKGROUND INFO: Okay, the characters are obviously real people. HOWEVER, this would be given that HIM toured the US for Razorblade Romance; all dates are obviously made up for the purpose of the story.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18 Chapter 19
--- At a Park --- Bam
It felt so good to walk. I had officially been freed of my hospital bed. Ville and Linde had come to pick me up. We decided to go to a park so I could spend some time outdoors.
“Oh this kicks ass,” I said.
“Hah, I never thought that a stroll through the park could be so thrilling,” Ville said with a laugh.
“Shut up! Your ass hasn’t been in bed for nearly a week. Even though I have to use these stupid crutches, it’s better than nothing,” I said.
Linde stopped at a water fountain to get a drink of water. Ville walked passed him and as he did, he slapped his ass, “Come on Linde, keep up to speed!”
Linde jumped up and chased after him. Ville darted ahead and the two of them ran all over the park. Finally Linde lunged forward, grabbing Ville around the waist and tackling him to the ground.
I walked over to them as they lay laughing in the grass. “Hey Linde, get off of him, he’s mine. I’ve fought a guy for him once, and I’ll do it again!” I said trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably.
“Linde, you better watch out. He beat the living Hell out of that jock!” Ville said giggling.
I was going to miss this so much.
---- Back at the Hotel ---- Ville
I could hear Bam banging around in the bathroom, attempting to bathe with his casts on.
“Honey, do you want some help?”
I heard a loud crash.
“No! I’m fine!” he shouted sounding irritated.
“If you say so…” I mumbled.
We had talked to Seppo earlier today. He informed us that the rest of the tour would be cancelled and that tomorrow we would be returning to Finland. I was trying hard not to think about it. I couldn’t bear the thought of parting ways with Bam. Seppo said that in a few months we could come back to finish the tour on the West Coast, but still - It pained me to imagine even a day without Bam by my side, let alone months.
After awhile the bathroom door opened and steam poured out of it. Bam made his way across the room, holding himself up on the dresser. He stood in front of me in a towel. Shaking his head, little droplets of water flew everywhere. I stared at his beautiful body. I felt guilt fill my chest every time I looked at him, knowing that those broken bones and the casts that held them in place were my fault. Except he’d never know that.
“What?” he asked.
I shook my head, breaking my gaze at him, “Nothing,” I muttered.
He laid down on the bed next to me. I rolled over on my side and rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. His skin was still moist from the bath.
“Ville, I can’t do this. I can’t be without you,” he said sadly.
I lifted my head and looked at him. I put a finger up to his lips and small smile spread across my face, “Shhh Bammie, we still have one more night.”
Hope that you enjoyed, comment please :)